Cheesy Pun: She quit her job at the donut factory because she got fed up with the hole business. - Job Jokes, Funny Occupations, Work Whoas?

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When a weatherman updates viewers on rapidly moving gray clouds, is that a stratus report?
Whiteboards Are Remarkable
Q. What did a probation officer say after his client failed a piss test? A. You dipstick!
Q. What is a locksmith's favorite band? A. The Monkees!


Job Jokes, Occupation Puns, Work Humor
Get all worked up with profession jokes, job humor, work place laughs and occupational puns.

Profession Jokes, Job Humor, Hired Puns
(Because Work Jokes Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream if You Have a Dangerous Job or Have to Deal with the Public!)
Warning: Whiteboard at Your Own Risk! Worked up laughs, funny executive jokes, and peon puns ahead.
| Job Jokes, Career Puns | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
| Boss Jokes, CEO Puns | You're Fired Jokes, Canned LOLs | I Quit! Job Jokes | Crappy Job Jokes |
| Dentist Puns | Fashion Designer | Fireman Jokes | Hair Stylist | Locksmith LOLs | Optometrist |

Q. Why does a great hair stylist ask so many question before a haircut?Q. What kind of crackers do firement like in their soup? A. Firecreackers!Q. What is the most dangerous job in transylvania? A. Vampire's Dentist!

Q. What did the blonde hair stylish say when the man said he wanted a hair cut?
A. Which one?

Q. What do you call a fantastic hair stylist?
A. A sheer delight!

Q. What do you call a blonde who dyes her hair brunette?
A. Artificial intelligence.

They say: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Maybe that's why I lost my job as a fireman?

Q. What kind of women do young firemen like?
A. Hose.

It's alway nice to know you'll be working from home today, unless you're a fireman!

Q. Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?
A. To improve his bite.

Q. Why is Hollywood full of vampires?
A. They need someone to do bit parts!

Q. What do you get if you cross a laptop and a vampire?
A. Love at first byte.

Did you hear about the successful owner of a firewood business? He had money to burn!Q. What do you get if you cross an optometrist convention and a donkey auction? A. Two eye-gl-asses for the price of one!Q. Why can't you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom? A. Because the P is silent!

Q. What do you call a logger who can't wake up on time?
A. A Slumberjack.

Q. What did the tree say to the lumberjack?
A. I have fallen for you!

Q. What did the tree say to the lumberjack?
A. Just leaf me alone!

Q. Which kind of sushi do lumberjacks like?
A. Log Rolls.

Q. Why did the near-sighted woman marry her optometrist?
A. It was an eye-deal relationship!

Q. Why did the optometrist couple finally get a divorce?
A. Because they just could not see eye to eye.

Q. What did the deck hand on the optometrist's yacht say?
A. Eye, Eye, Captain.

Did you hear about the shrink who spent a long weekend at a winter psychologist convention in Aspen? On Monday morning, he reported that he'd never seen so many Freudian slips.

Q. What happens if a psychiatrist and a prostitute spend the night together?
A. In the morning, each of them says, "$200 Please."

You'd think they could shrink the bill!

Q. Which companty perk do locksmiths care the least about? A. The key to the executife bathroom!Q. Why did the taxi driver go 60 MPH? A. His passenger was talking a mile a minute!Q. Why did the fashion designer retire at the top of his career? A. Because he wanted to go out in style!

Q. Why did the locksmith keep getting promotions and raises?
A. Because he was a key employee.

Q. How can you tell your locksmith is funny in a good way?
A. He has a keen sense of humor, plus you're no longer locked out.

Q. What does a locksmith say to pay you a compliment?
A. You are Locking Good!

Q. What did the guy say to his Uber driver after the 5-star rating?
A. Way to go!

Q. Which ride-sharing app serves breakfast?
A. Eggs Uber Easy.

Q. Who earns a living by driving his customers away?
A. An Uber Driver.

Old chauffeurs never die. They just lose their drive.

Q. How was the fashion designer's girlfriend like an incompetent tailor?
A. She didn't suit him.

Q. What happened when the best tailor in town passed away?
A. He was given a fitting eulogy.

Q. Why did the overly dramatic author become a tailor?
A. He wanted to make an Ernest living the Hemingway.

Q. Why did the dentist ask his secretary out? A. He was already taking out her tooth!Q. What do you call a newspaper worker who makes corrections in an uneven way? A. A choppy editor!Did you hear about the circumcision doctor's wife who kept the foreskins? She made them into a purse. When she rubbed it, it became an overnight bag!

Q. Why did the cheerleader go to her dentist?
A. Because she needed a root canal. RAH!

I had a date with a dentist last night. At the end of the date, she said she had a great time and wants to see me again in six months. OUCH!

Q. Why did the donut go to the dentist?
A. Because it needed a little filling.

Q. What do you call a guy who only writes for a short period?
A. A limited time author.

An English teacher asked a smart-ass student to name two pronouns. The student replied, "Who, Me?"

Q. What kind of punishment might you get for the misuse of punctuation marks?
A. Comma karma.

Poor guy was in the hospital with 60% burns. Doc says, "Give him two Viagra." Nurse asks, "Do you think that will help?" Doc replies, "No, but it will keep the sheets off his legs!"

Did you hear about the nurse who swallowed a razor blade? She gave herself a tonsillectomy, an appendectomy, a hysterectomy – and circumcised three of the doctors on her shift.

| Job Jokes, Career Puns | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
| Accountant | Actor Jokes | Archaeologist | Artist Puns | Astronaut | Athlete | Author Puns |
| Auto Mechanic Jokes | Baker | Banker | Barber | Bartender Jokes | Butcher | Chef | Chemist |
| Clown Jokes | Comedian | Cowboy | Criminal Puns | Dancer | Dentist Jokes | Doctor Jokes |
| Ecologist | Electrician Jokes | Engineer | Eye Doc Puns | Factory Worker Humor | Farmer |
| Fashion Designer | Fireman Jokes | Geologist | Home Contractor | Janitor | Judge | Landlord |
| Lawyer Jokes | Librarian | Locksmith Puns | Magician Puns | Military | Mime LOLs | Miner |
| Musician Jokes | Optician Puns | Pharmacist | Photographer | Plumber Puns | Police Jokes |
| Politician Jokes | Psychic | Reporter | Robber | Salesman | Scientist Jokes | Shrink Puns |
| Superhero | Surgeon | Teacher | Tech Support | Trucker | Vet | Waiter | Weatherman Jokes |
| Boss Jokes, CEO Puns | You're Fired Jokes, Canned LOLs | I Quit! Job Jokes | Crappy Job Jokes I

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