might be a Colorado pothead if: You've actually put out
a fire using bong water.
Why should you stay a mile high?
A. The view is amazing up here.
How do partying skeletons in Colorado get high on the weekend?
A. Marrow-juana.
At the craft beer pub in Breckenridge, what is the drunk
guy's favorite kind of skis?
A. Brewskies!
What do you call it if you see things after drinking too
much Colorado craft beer?
A. An hop-tical illusion.
How did the game programmer in Boulder get his computer
A. With a screen shot of Tequila.
What does a well-dressed mallard wear to a formal affair
at the Brown Palace Hotel on Saturday night?
A. His ducks-edo.
Why don't Coloradans drink Flat Tire beer when they're partying
on Saturday night?
A. Why tempt fate or dare the devil?
Laugh of the Night: The answer may not be at the bottom
of a craft beer bottle, but you should always check. |
Where do Colorado meteorologists stop on their way home
after a busy weather day at work?
A. The Isobar.
What do you call a fantasy piece written by an author while
at a Colorado brew pub?
A. An hoptical allusion.
How do you become a superhero during a Denver Broncos game?
A. Rescue a guy named Jack Daniels who's been trapped
inside a bottle!
Why did the ladies really go for the hot craft beer meister
at Great Divide Brewing Company in Five Points?
A. Because he was lager than life.
is a great drink because while you're drinking it in Greeley,
you feel like a cactus. The only problem is in the morning,
the needles all grow inward.
What did the prostitute say when the passenger beside her
on the flight to Denver said he didn't have any cash, but
really wanted to join the mile high club?
A. I don't give a flying f-ck.
Why did the blonde leave the Broncos tailgating party crying?
A. Because they ran out of Coors Light in left-handed cans.
What do time traveling aliens call their little green vacation
in Colorado?
A. Time Off!
How did the Boulder stoner feel when he fell into a vat
of cannabis-infused vodka?
A. He was in high spirits!
What did the bartender say after the beaver walked into
his South Platte River bar?
A. Please shut the dam door!
In Colorado, how can you tell your chicken was partying
over the weekend?
A. She lays pickled eggs on Monday!
When should you put oranges in your beer?
A. Only once in a Blue Moon, and only if you're
in a Golden bar just minutes from Coors brewery.
What does a cannibal call a knight in armor at the Colorado
Renaissance Festival?
A. Canned food.
Why do hairy men love Colorado craft beer pubs during No
Shave November?
A. Because in Denver, that's Novem-Beered.
Brew Pub Pick-Up Line: Hey
there girl, I would buy you a draft, but I'd be jealous
of the glass. |