My son came here to Denver on his summer vacation.
Friend: Did you meet him at DIA?
Blonde: No, I've known him his whole life.
Where can you get a scary good hair cut in Estes Park, Colorado?
A. At Hair's Johnny Salon in the Stanley Hotel.
What do Estes Park residents call a hooker standing out
on top of Trail Ridge road in January?
A. Hoar.
How do you know when a Colorado ski instructor walks into
the bar?
A. Don't worry, he'll tell you. |
Which pedal do rooster racecar drivers at Bandimere Speedway
A. The egg-celerator.
What is a treefer, and is that better than a two-fer?
A. Both are Colorado happy hour goodies, and you
be the judge...
If a blonde camper in Pike National Forest has three tents
in one hand and six sleeping bags in the other, what does
she have?
A. Big hands. Duh!
What do Coloradans call a doctor who lives at a tent-filled
mountain resort to treat visitor's afflictions?
A. A camp-pain manager.
Why are there so many more Bigfoot sightings in the Denver
foothills lately?
A. Because Squatches moved here, just like everybody else!
What do local stoners always take along on Colorado Bigfoot
hunting trips?
A. High-powered night vision cameras.
Why does Denver have such a wide demographic range of ages
that consume legal marijuana?
A. I25 and I70.
the way, I25 through Denver has always been called The
Valley Highway! So, DON'T MOVE HERE NOW and legislate
to RENAME IT, dickweeds!) |