What do you call a vacation home on the best trout fishing
stream in Colorado?
A. Reel estate.
How did the fisherman know he finally found the perfect
trout fishing spot along the South Platte River in South
Park, Colorado?
A. He caught site of it.
dam it! Wouldn't you know there'd be a flood of river jokes
at PainfulPuns?
The creeky Colorado punch lines are no surprise, judging
by the streaming laughter.
Why did the blonde get cash out of the bank and then throw
it into the South Platte River?
A. 'Cause she wanted to study cash flow. DUH!
Colorado trout fishermen never die. They just go up river.
Why did the near-sighted guy fall into Idaho Springs?
A. Because he didn't see that well! |
What do Coloradans call a skinny dipper in the Highline
A. A gully washer.
Where will you find the most female skinny dippers in Colorado?
A. Beaver Creek.
What's the difference between skinny dipping and fat dipping?
A. One requires a swimming pool, and the other involves
ranch dressing and deep-fried chicken nuggets.
Why did a squirrel swim across the Blue River on his back?
A. He wanted to keep his nuts dry.
With the Flow Pick-Up Line:
Whoa, I can't swim, Babe! Can I hold onto your floaties?
Why didn't the quarter roll down the canyon walls into Clear
Creek along with the nickel?
A. Because the quarter had more cents!
Why did they stop doing the WAVE at the Denver
Broncos Stadium?
A. Too many blonde fans were drowning.
golfer was standing ot the tee overlooking a river and see
two fishermen out there. He turns to his golf buddy and
says, "Look at those two morons fishing in the rain."
How do you make a fitting hat out of a canoe on a Colorado
A. You flip it over, and voila! It's cap-sized.
blondes were out on opposite sides of the South Platte River
near Deckers. The first blonde shouts, "Hey, how do
I get to the other side?" The second blonde replies,
"You are on the other side! DUH!"
How do tired beach bums at Cherry Creek Reservoir clean
up after a dip?
A. They just wash up on shore.
Why couldn't the Colorado mountain hikers use the footbridge
to cross Bear Creek
A. It had fallen arches. |