Q. Why are jokes about the Colorado mountains so funny?
A. Because they're so high!
Locksmith Pick-Up Line:
Hey girl, did you call a locksmith? 'Cause GPS took me straight
to your mile high lock-ation.
might be from Colorado if toward the mountains and away
from the mountains are legit directions.
Travel Point to Ponder: If you want to hang a map and add
pushpins of places you've been, do you have to visit Four
Corners Monument first? |
Which weather feature do Mile High potheads like best?
A. The Highs.
Where do Denver meteorologists stop on their way home after
a busy weather day at work?
A. The Isobar.
420 Quip: In Colorado, the focus is on repairing pot holes,
not disrepairing potheads.
What did the Terminator say when he visited the Rocky Mountain
Spring Water brew pub in Golden, Colorado?
A. Bud, I'll Be Bock!
you hear about the Colorado tourist who got cold while paddling
up stream? He lit a fire in his boat, only to discover you
can't have your kayak and heat it, too.
What is a Colorado native's definition of derange?
A. Where de cowboys ride wild.
Why did the Colorado chicken stop crossing Morrison Road?
A. She had absolutely no sense of humor!
What do you call it when you jump off of Lookout Mountain
with a chicken in each hand?
A. Hen Gliding! |