What did the waiter say to the down-in-the-mouth Broncos
fan at the sports bar?
A. Hay, sorry big fella, I can't take your order. That's
not my stable.
What do a crummy football team and a possum have in common?
A. Both play dead and get killed on the road.
Patient: I think I'm turning into a Denver Broncos fan.
Shrink: How long have you felt that way?
Coloradan: Ever since I moved here...
Why do some Denver Broncos players scuba dive during the
off season?
A. 'Cause really they like to go deep. |
How are a crummy football team and a zombie different?
A. One is the walking dead and the other gets killed on
the road.
you hear about the Denver Broncos fan who died in a pie
eating contest? The bull kicked him in the head.
What's the difference between Broncos fans and mosquitoes?
A. Mosquitoes are only annoying six months of the year.
Fact of the Day: Playing NFL football is 90% mental. The
other half is physical, and the other half has to do with
the thin air a mile high.
ex Bronco walks into a bar and asked the bartender if he's
hiring. Bartender said, "No, why don't you try the
circus?" The horse replied, "Why would the circus
need a bartender?"
Why did the janitor call DPD to Mile High Field during the
Broncos game?
A. Somebody was selling Rocky Mountain Oysters in the stands,
and he didn't want to clean up all the vomit after the balls
Why don't skeletons play on the Denver Broncos team?
A. They are big-boned enough, but they only have enough
heart to play for the Denver Nuggets. |