Q. Why did Yoda cross the road? A. Because the chicken forced him!   PainfulPuns.com - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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Why did the chicken cross the road? Why is a barnyard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous? – Mr. Data
Q. What do you call a robot that alwys takes the longest route? A. R2 Detour!
Why did the chicken cross the road? Dammin Jim! I'm a doctor, not a farmer! - Bones McCoy
Q. Why didn't Luke cross the road? A. Because he'd get a ticket for skywaling!
Q. Why did the Borg cross the road? A. Because it assimilated the chicken!


What Happens if You Sci-Fi Cross the Road?
Intergalactic cross the road humor, stellar road trip puns, and perpetual motion chicken jokes.

Sci-Fi Chicken Cross the Road Jokes and Puns
(Because The Universe is TOO Big for Funky Chicken Crossing the Road Jokes to Ever Become TOO Mainstream!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Space crossing puns and clucking funny transporter malfunctions ahead!
| Sci-Fi Cross the Road Jokes | 2 | Star Trek Jokes | Star Wars Jokes | Doctor Who Humor |
| Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes | 2 | Space Alien Bar Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | 2 | 3 |
| Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes | ET Alien Jokes | Green Spaced Alien Puns | UFO Jokes | Martian Jokes |
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Why did the chicken cross the road? Obviously, it was the logical thing to do! – Mr SpockQ. Why did the droid cross the road? A. It was programmed by a chicken!Star Trek Humor: Why did the chicken cross the road? Insufficient Information! – Computer

Q. Why did the Vulcan rooster cross the road?
A. Because there were Pon Farr chickens on the other side!

Q. Why did Mr. Spock cross the road?
A. To see what was so humorous over there.

Q. Why did the red shirt cross the road?
A. He heard there were a lot of chicks on the other side.

Q. Why did the Millennium Falcon crack up?
A. Because Han told a punny joke while the ship was crossing over The Road.

Q. Which Star Wars character crosses roads all around the world?
A. Globi-Wan Kenobi.

Q. Why was the Stormtrooper jumping up and down in the middle of the road?
A. Because he stepped on Ant-hillies.

Q. Computer, What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
A. Poultry in motion!

Q. Why didn't the transporter malfunction chicken clones cross the road?
A. Insufficient Information!

Q. Why did the Ferengi cross the road?
A. He heard there was good oo-mox on the other side.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Oh My! – Mr SuluQ. Why did the Borg cross the road? A. To assimilate the chicken!Q. Why did the Dalek cross the road? A. To exterminate Whomanity!

Q. Why did the skeleton chicken cross the Star Trek road?
A. She heard Bones McCoy was on the other side!

Q. Why did Gene Roddenberry cross the road?
A. Because it was a sci-fi fantasy trip.

Q. Why did Scott Bakula cross the road?
A. Because the first Warp 5 Enterprise started out with the hottest captain of them all.

Q. Why did John Robinson land the Jupiter 2 on the other side of the road?
A. To see if they could get a signal from Alpha Control.

Q. Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip?
A. To get to the same side.

Q. Why did the Borg chickens cross the Mobius strip?
A. They were pecking around for the Omega molecule.

Q. Why did the Borg run the stop sign while crossing the road?
A. Because Borg are unstoppable.

Q. Why did Penny Robinson cross the road on Priplanus?
A. Because that seemed to make cents.

Q. Why did the Brit sci-fi mutant chickens cross the road?
A. Because Davros created the emotionless master race to purge the Universe of all non-Dalek life and Whovians without a dry sense of humor.

Q. What did the hungry Dalek say to the chicken before she crossed the road?
A. Eggsterminate!

Q. Why did the TARDIS cross the road?
A. To see Who wasn't on the other side.

Q. Why did a chicken bump into The Robot while crossing the road?
A. Because she was Lost In Space.

Why did the angry Jedi cross the road? To get to the dark side!Q. Why did the Klingon cross the road? A. To conquer the other side!Q. Why did the pothead cross the road? A. Um, that's one hell of a good question?

Q. Why did Obi-Juan Kenobi risk crossing the road?
A. To get to the best taco joint in the galaxy!

Q. Why did the wookiee cross the road?
A. To get out of the barking lot.

Q. Why did Yoda cross the road?
A. Because the Force was unstoppable.

Q. Why did the angry Jedi cross the road?
A. To get to the Dark Side.

Q. Why couldn't Captain Nemo cross the road?
A. Because he was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Q. Why did the Klingon chicken cross the road?
A. To boldly go watch Star Trek Next Generation reruns.

Q. Why did the foxy Klingon cross the road?
A. He heard about all the chickens on the other side.

Q. Why did Miles O'Brien cross the road?
A. To get away from Keiko.

Q. Why didn't Jules Verne ever cross the road?
A. Because there aren't any roads along the Journey To The Center of The Earth.

Q. Why do high-minded USO aliens cross the ocean?
A. In search of Reefer.

Q. Dave, why do Unidentified Submerged Object aliens cross the sea?
A. For Seaweed, Man.

Q. Why did the cow in Colorado cross the road?
A. In an attempt to evade the cattle multilators.

Q. Why did Ancient Aliens cross the road?
A. To study all the rednecks and sleazy junk dealers on the so-called History Channel.

The Borg assimilated my henhouse and all I got was this lousy occular implant!Q. Why did the crazy Angrallian Toobir cross the nebula? A. To get to the other dementia!Q. What do you do when you see a space man? A. Park In It!

Q. Why was the chicken the first to cross the road?
A. Because the Borg assimilated the dinosaurs.

Q. Why did Odo cross the road?
A. He's looking for DS9 reruns on BBC America or MeTV.

Q. Why did Dax cross the road post DS9?
A. Because, old man, she got a role on Becker.

Q. Why did Dr. Smith cross the road?
A. To hide out in the Jupiter 2 after he sabotaged Alpha Control.

Q. Why did the crazy Toobir cross the nebula?
A. Because the Intergalactic Joke Group thought that was funnier than the X-Wing at a 4-Way Stop Sign.

Q. Why did the Star Wars turkey cross the road?
A. To prove he wasn't an X-Wing.

Q. Why did Lorne Greene cross the road to sci-fi?
A. To get Galactica away from the evil Cylons and seek refuge on the unknown planet, Earth. And, because it was the '70s.

Q. Why did the cow cross the road when it saw a UFO?
A. To get to the udder side!

Q. Why did the USO cross the road?
A. To get to the other tide.

Q. Why did the giant tortoise fly across the road?
A. It thought it saw the mother ship.

Q. Why did Ancient Astronauts cross the road?
A. Their theory was to inspire Erich von Daniken at the right time and in the right place.

| Cross the Road Jokes | Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road? | Road Trip Jokes | Travel Puns |
| Sci-Fi Cross the Road Jokes | 2 | Science Fiction Doctor Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes | 2 |
| Star Trek Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Spock Puns | 2 | Star Trek TOS Puns | 2 | 3 | Klingon Puns |
| Star Trek TNG Jokes | 2 | 3 | The Borg Jokes | Enterprise Captains | Ladies of Star Trek Jokes |
| Lost in Space Jokes | Space Bar Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | 2 | 3 | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes |
| Star Wars Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Darth Vader Dark Side Humor | Wookiee Puns | Yoda Jokes |
| ET Alien Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Green Spaced Alien Puns | Cows In Space Jokes | Outer Space |
| Dr Who Jokes, Tardis Puns, Whovian Humor | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Cyberman Jokes | Dalek Puns |
| Sci-Fi Robot Jokes | Cyborg Jokes, Android Puns | Science Fiction Jokes | Sci-Fi Pick Up Lines |

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