Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Smith: A boy of your intelligence should never swear. Oh Sh*t!   PainfulPuns.com - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Smith: I loathe children!
Q. What do you do when you see a space man? A. Park In It!
Q. What did teh alien doctor say to the space ship? A. Time to get your booster shot!
Space Alien Says: Saturday was going so well until I realized it was Sunday!


Jupiter 2 Puns, Zachary Smith Humor, Robot Jokes
Get lost in 1960s sci-fi humor, The Robot puns, snide Dr. Smith-isms and Lost in Space jokes.

Lost in Space Jokes and Dr. Smith Humor
(Because Being Lost in Space Was Not TOO Mainstream in 1965 or Even in the 1997 of 1965!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Peril! DANGER! Danger Will Robinson! Jupiter 2 jokes and Dr. Smith puns ahead.
| Lost in Space Jokes | Science Fiction Space Doctor Jokes | 2 | Spock Jokes and Vulcan Puns |
| Space Bar Jokes | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | 2 | 3 | Dr Who Jokes |
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Sniveling is illogical. Never fear, Smith is here!Spock Tells Dr. Smith: It is illogical to be Lost In Space!Spock Says to Dr. Smith: It is illogical to name your chimp Debbie!

Q. What advice did Dr. Smith give to Will Robinson?
A. There are monsters everywhere... I know, I am one!

Q. What's the most tintinnabulating thing Dr. Smith called the robot?
A. Traitorous Tin Tabulation.

Q. Why did Major Don West risk crossing the road?
A. Because he was fond of chickens and the Jupiter 2 was already Lost In Space.

Q. What frightened the Lost In Space crew the most?
A. Whenever Zachary assured them saying, "Never Fear, Smith is Here!"

Q. What's the most ludicrous lambaste Dr. Smith tossed at the robot?
A. Lead-Lined Lothario.

Q. Why did Major Don West cross the road on Priplanus?
A. Because Judy Robinson was on the other side.

Q. What's the most Neanderthal slur Dr. Smith threw at the robot?
A. Nickel-Plated Nincompoop.

Q. What did Major West say when they launched the Jupiter 2?
A. "And the monkey flips the switch."

Q. After leaving the Saturn Space Station, what did Maureen Robinson say when she saw a stray collie cross the road on Priplanus?
A. Lassie, are you Lost In Space, too?

Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Dr. Smith: There's a lot of space out there to be lost in.Spock: Sniveling is illogical. Dr. Smith: Unhand me, you mechanical moron!Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Smith: I'm a doctor, not a space explorer!

Q. What did Dr. Smith say while he was reprogramming the robot?
A. Let's try this again, shall we? You are the puppet, I am the puppeteer. Do try to get it right this time.

Q. What's the most head-scratching insult Dr. Smith used on the robot?
A. Pot-Headed Prankster.

Robot: It sounds like old morse code.
Will Robinson: What does it say?
Robot: Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Q. What's the most maddeningly malevolent mucky insult Dr. Smith tossed to the robot?
A. Monstrous Mechanized Misguided Moron!

Q. Why is the Jupiter 2 the true sci-fi space pioneer?
A. Because in 1965, the future 1997 got them Lost In Space before the Milllennial Falcon could find them long ago and far away while Doctor Who was on the phone, and Star Trek wasn't beamed up yet.

Penny Robinson Quote: We're lost, aren't we?

Q. What's the greasiest insult Dr. Smith ever slid toward the robot?
A. Unctuous Underling.

Q. What did Will Robinson say while he was searching for strewn robot parts?
A. Relax Robot, I'm going to build you a new body. Mom always said I should make new friends.

Q. Why did Penny Robinson cross the road on Priplanus?
A. Because that seemed to make cents.

Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Smith: You can't do it, can ? You can't kill the man without becoming the monster!Spock: Sniveling is illogical. Dr. Smith: Sarcasm is the recourse of the weak mind!Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Smith: I never liked me anyway!

Q. What's the F-ing funniest thing Dr. Smith called the robot?
A. Frightful Fractious Frump.

Q. What did sensible Major West say while he was assembling his gun during the spider attack?
A. A million bucks worth of weaponry, and I'd trade it all back for a lousy can of Raid.

Q. Why did the crew of the Jupiter 2 cross the road?
A. To get to Alpha Centauri.

Dr. Zachary Smith Quote: It's the world behind the world, Dr. Robinson. Lie once, cheat twice, and everything becomes clear.

Q. What does Dr. Smith of Borg say?
A. Resistance is futile, you bubble-headed boob!

Q. What does The Robot say when he can't find the replacement light bulbs aboard the Jupiter 2?
A. Danger, Danger! They're Lost In Space.

Q. How do you know Dr. Smith enjoys painful Lost In Space puns?
A. Because he said, "Sarcasm is the recourse of the weak mind."

Q. What's the most pin-headed thing Dr. Smith said to the robot?
A. Pusillanimous Pip-Squeak.

Q. Why did John Robinson land the Jupiter 2 on the other side of the road?
A. To see if they could get a signal from Alpha Control.

Spock: Sniveling is illogical. Smith: Give my regards to oblivion!Spock Says to Dr. Smith: Sniveling is illogicalSpock: Sniveling is illogical. Smith: Nothing good can come of this!

Q. Why didn't Dr. Smith fear oblivion?
A. Because black was always his favorite color.

Q. What's the most pusillanimous insult Dr. Smith said to the robot?
A. Primitive Pile of Pistons.

Q. Which classic sci-fi television series do aliens without GPS binge watch?
A. Lost In Space.

Q. Why did a chicken bump into The Robot while crossing the road?
A. Because she was Lost In Space.

Q. What's the most hypocritical thing Dr. Smith called the robot?
A. Nervous Ninny.

Q. What did Maureen Robinson say to the men of Lost In Space?
A. NOT another word... Now, if you've finished hosing down the deck with testosterone, I suggest you come with me. I may have found a way off this planet.

Q. Why did Dr. Smith cross the road?
A. To hide out in the Jupiter 2 after he sabotaged Alpha Control.

Dr. Zachary Smith Quote: Something you should abide by on this world or any other, never trust anyone. Especially me.

Major West Quote: If this is all a dream, why can't there be more girls?

Q. What's the second most hypocritical thing Dr. Smith called the robot?
A. Quivering Quintessence of Fear.

Q. What did The Robot say when Will Robinson started to cross the road on the unknown planet?
A. Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! It's another lame cross the road joke!

| Lost in Space Jokes | Space Bar Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | 2 | 3 | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes |
Sci-Fi Robot Jokes | R2-D2 Jokes and C-3PO Puns | Science Fiction Jokes | Sci-Fi Pick Up Lines |
| Star Trek Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Spock Puns | 2 | Star Trek TOS Puns | 2 | 3 | Klingon Puns |
| Star Trek TNG Jokes | 2 | 3 | The Borg Jokes | Enterprise Captains | Ladies of Star Trek Jokes |
| Dr Who Jokes, Tardis Puns and Whovian Humor | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Cyberman Jokes | Dalek Puns |
| Star Wars Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Darth Vader Dark Side Humor | Wookiee Puns | Yoda Jokes |
| ET Alien Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Green Spaced Alien Puns | Cows In Space Jokes | Outer Space |
| Science Fiction Doctor Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Cross the Road Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes | 2 |

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