Spock Says: Star Trek Memes Are Illogical!   PainfulPuns.com - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. What happened when Yeoman Rand said there was a peephole in her cabin door? A. Captain Kirk promised t look into it!
Q. Why did Captain Kirk visit the Romulan loo? A. To boldly go where no man has gone before!
Spock: It is illogical to be lost in space. Dr. Smith: There's a lot of space out there to be lost in.


Star Trek TOS Jokes & Starship Enterprise Humor
Enter the final frontier of warped Star Trek humor, Spock-ing puns, and funny Trekkie jokes.

Starship Jokes, Enterprise Humor, Star Trek Puns
(Because Star Trek The Original Series Jokes Could Never Be TOO Mainstream for Those Who Boldly Go!)
Warning: Proceed With Caution! Cheesy 1960s Science friction jokes and Kirky puns ahead. Beam Me Up, Scotty!
| Star Trek Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Spock Puns and Vulcan Jokes | 2 | Trekkie Jokes |
| Star Trek The Original Series Jokes and TOS Puns | 2 | 3 | Starship Enterprise Captain Jokes |
| Star Trek TNG Jokes | 2 | 3 | Klingon Puns | The Borg Jokes | Ladies of Star Trek Jokes |
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Why did the chicken cross the road? Oh My! – Mr SuluCaptain Kirk Says: Boldly Go Watch Star Trek Reruns!Spock Says: Live long and prosper, and don't wear a red shirt!

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekkie?
A. Your eldest son's middle name is Tiberius.

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You decorate your rec room to look like the Enterprise bridge.

Q. Why didn't Mr. Sulu's bike cross the road on Ripley's Pleasure Planet?
A. It was too tired!

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You scare away door-to-door solicitors by acting like a Gorn.

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekkie?
A. You can curse in Klingon, Gorn, and Vulcan.

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You've shown up to jury duty wearing your Star Trek uniform.

Q. What does Mr. Spock think about Vulcan jokes?
A. He does understand the complex nature of lively puns, but he just doesn't see the humor in it.

Q. What does S'chn T'gai, unpronounceable to humans, Spock think about punny Vulcan jokes?
A. Fascinating!

Why did the chicken cross the road? The wee transporter beam was not functioning properly! – Mr. ScottWhy did Nancy find Doctor McCoy so attractive? A. He had great Bones structureQ. What did Mr Spock find in the toilet? A. The Captain's Log!

Q. Why did the Enterprising rooster cross the road?
A. To cock-a-doodle-do something stellar.

Q. Why did a one-armed android cross the road?
A. To get to the second hand shop.

Doc McCoy: "I've borrowed Scott's bagpipes."
Kirk: "But you can't play them."
Doc McCoy: "While I've got them, neither can he."

A doctor tells a guy he has a bad heart. The guy says, "I want a second opinion." So, the doctor says, "You're ugly, too."

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. Your eldest son's middle name is Tiberius.

Q. Why did Captain Kirk walk into the ladies room?
A. He wanted to go where no man had gone before!

Q. What are eyeglasses called on Vulcan? A. Spocktacles! Captain Kirk Says: Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!Q. Why was Star Trek so successful? A. It had good Genes!

Q. What is Spock's most logical pick-up line?
A. Why shock her, if you can Spock her?

Q. What is Spock's favorite carpet sweeper slogan?
A. Never Hoover in a forest. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. If you've ever thought to yourself, "Whoa, did that outfit get stuck in a pattern buffer?"

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. When you find yourself in a sticky situation, you say, "Scotty, Beam Me Up!"

Q. What do you call it when two Star Trek science officers have an argument?
A. Science Friction!

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. Your friends are Trekkers, but you're still open to meeting Trekkies and other aliens, too.

McCoy Says: Doctor's orders, Jim. Be a vulcan in the streets and a Klingon in the sheets!Q. How many Vulcans does it take to change a light bulb? A. Approximately 1,0000000000000000!Star Trek Humor: Why did the chicken cross the road? Insufficient Information! – Computer

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekkie?
A. You want to change Siri's name to "Computer." And, you want to change Alexa's name to "Mudd's Women."

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You're hoping your toddlers can use their college fund to go to Starfleet Academy.

Q. What does Mr. Spock say to Kirk when the crew changed the light bulb on the first try?
A. You almost make me believe in luck.

Q. How do you know you're a true Trekker?
A. You've accidentally closed a job search cover letter saying, "Live Long and Prosper."

Q. Computer, What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
A. Poultry in motion!

Q. Why didn't the transporter malfunction chicken clones cross the road?
A. Insufficient Information!

| Star Trek TOS Puns | 2 | 3 | Spock Puns | 2 | Star Trek Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Klingon Puns |
| Star Trek TNG Jokes | 2 | 3 | The Borg Jokes | Enterprise Captains | Ladies of Star Trek Jokes |
| Lost in Space Jokes | Space Bar Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | 2 | 3 | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes |
| Dr Who Jokes, Tardis Puns, Whovian Humor | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Cyberman Jokes | Dalek Puns |
| Star Wars Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Darth Vader Dark Side Humor | Wookiee Puns | Yoda Jokes |
| ET Alien Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Green Spaced Alien Puns | Cows In Space Jokes | Outer Space |
| Science Fiction Doctor Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Cross the Road Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes | 2 |
| Cyborg Jokes, Android Puns | Sci-Fi Robot Jokes |
Science Fiction Jokes | Sci-Fi Pick Up Lines |

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