Q. Why did the Doctor surf the Net? A. He was looking for the Cyberman!   PainfulPuns.com - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a light bulb? None. They just sit there and hope it comes bak on!
You might be a time lord if you're the only person at your family reunion!
Q. Why do Daleks eat apples? A. Because an apple a day keeps the Doctor away!
Q. What do Whovians call a stinky fart of unknown origin? A. Silence, but deadly!
Whovians don't change light bulbs! They wait for the bulb to regnerate!


Doctor Who Humor and Time Travel Jokes
Step into Tardis jokes to enter The Doctor humor, Master-ful jokes, and timely Dr. Who puns.

Doctor Who Jokes, Tardis Humor, Time Lord Puns
(Because Time Traveling Aliens That Actually Like Earth Could Never Be TOO Mainstream in the Whoniverse!)
Tardis Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Time Lord jokes and time paradox puns ahead. Yes, The Doctor Is In!
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Bartender says: "We don't serve time lords here." Time lord walks into a bar.If two Tardi appear in one place, it's a Pair O' Box!Q. Why did the Doctor jump into his own time stream? A because it made things a little Clara!

A lady alien, a female astronaut, and a sexy shooting star walk into a bar. Captain Jack says, "You're out of this world!"

The speed of light is when you take a bottle of beer out of the refrigerator before the light comes on in the Tardis, or after...

Q. Why are there so few good Doctor Who puns?
A. Because Cybermen keep deleting the jokes with good timing.

Q. What do you call a TARDIS mystery?
A. A Who-done-it.

Three conspiracy theorists walk into a Tardis. Don't tell me that's just a coincidence!

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Doctor who?
Yes! That IS correct!

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Hello girl, you've stolen both my hearts.

Q. Why do fans of The Doctor laugh at time travel puns?
A. Because they're Whomorous.

Q. How many tears did the Doctor cry?
A. Enough to water a Rose.

Chap: I think I'm going to start watching Doctor Who.
Chap's Buddy: It's about time.

Q. Why are there so few funny Doctor Who jokes?
A. There are, but the Silence makes you forget them all.

Q. What do the Ferengi have in common with Daleks?
A. Both are loathsome toward Who-mans.

Q. What do you call a Doctor in the sewer? A. Doctor Poo!Q. How is Doctor Who like a kitchen? A. It's had more than one Baker working for it!Two time lords walked into a bar... You'd think they would have seen it?

Timely Who Point to Ponder: Seriously, can The Doctor even get cell service in the sewer?

Q. What does Doctor Who call a universally stinky fart of unknown origin?
A. Silence, but deadly.

Plumb Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Hello girl, can I reverse the polarity of your neutron flow?

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, you make my Centurion stand at attention.

Q. Why is it impossible for you to time travel now?
A. Because you know the time and the place, but not the Who.

Q. Why is it so hard to watch The Day of The Doctor 3D?
A. Because it's so hard to see through all the void particles.

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Babe, are you a Tardis? 'Cause when I look into your eyes I feel like I'm flying around the universe.

Q. When do Time Lords drink alcohol?
A. Only on days that begin with T. Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow...

A pile of trash walks into the Time Lord Bar. Bartender says, "Hey, didn't I throw you out yesterday?"

Q. Why did the Sontaran have a hard time paying his pub tab?
A. Because he was a little short.

Q. What do you call a Sontaran decoy?
A. A di-STRAX-tion.

If the Doctor uses a sonci screw driver, does Jack use a sonic mimosa?Q. What do you call a time-traveling cow? A. Doctor Moo!Q. Why can't two Doctors be together? A. That would be a time pair-o-docs!

Captain Jack visited the Virgin Islands once. Now, they're just called the Islands.

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. Captain Jack: Hello Chicken!

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Babe, every time I regenerate, my Tardis gets bigger!

Q. How can you tell you're a Time Lord?
A. You're the only one at your family reunion.

Q. Which magician performs his big act using a call box?
A. Doctor Whoudini.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Doctor who?
Yes! It IS I!

Baseball Point to Ponder: Was / Is Doctor Who a ballplayer? If not, Who's on First?

A guy ended up at a party full of World Heath Organization medics. Obviously he was at the wrong Doctor Who convention.

Q. Why is Doctor Who such a terrible procrastinator?
A. 'Cause he leaves everything for earlier.

Q. What is Doctor Who's favorite quick and toasty breakfast food?
A. Pop-Tardis.

Q. why does the Doctor regularly go to the dentist? A. He doesn't want to lose his K9!Q. What time is it when a Dalek runs over your foot? A. Time to call the Doctor!Q. Who is the scariest time lord? A. Doctor Boo!

Q. What is the opposite of K9?
A. Kit10.

Q. Which is the worst knock knock joke for Doctor Who?
A. The one that knocks four times.

Q. Why don't Americans understand Doctor Who jokes?
A. Because they're in English!

Q. What is the best thing about being a used time machine dealer?
A. You can buy them used and sell them as new!

Q. Why didn't anybody laugh at the last time travel joke?
A. You will in 3, 2, 1...

Q. How many tears did the Doctor cry?
A. Enough to fill a River.

Q. What is it called when Doctor Who accidentally travels to the same time twice?
A. Deja View.

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Cheerio girl, are you a weeping angel? 'Cause I can't take my eyes off of you.

Q. Why are there so few good Doctor Who jokes?
A. Because Daleks are making them up now.

Time Warped Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Hey girly, you know I could go back in time and approach you with a better chat up line.

Q. What do you call a time-traveling marsupial?
A. Doctor Roo.

Q. When is the best time to binge watch Doctor Who reruns?
A. When isn't it?

Q. Why are Daleks so frightening?
A. Because they're from Skaros!

Doctor Who Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, come back to my place, and you can call me The Master.

Q. What did mourners say about the time traveler at his funeral?
A. Tsk, what an untimely loss. No wait! REWIND!

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| Science Fiction Doctor Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Cross the Road Jokes | 2 | Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes | 2 |

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