Q. What do you call a pirate droid? A. ARRR2- D2!   PainfulPuns.com - Painful Puns, Punny Funs, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. Which
Star Wars
droid is the

A. R2Wee2.

Q. What is Jabba the Hutt's middle name? A. The!

Q. Which
Star Wars
droid is afraid
of mice?

A. R2-Eek2!



Star Wars Robot Jokes, Droid Puns, R2D2 Humor
Explore the Light Side with droid-ful puns, Are Too unit humor, and bleeping funny robot jokes.

R2-D2 Jokes, C-3PO Puns, R2 Unit Humor
(Because R2 Detour Jokes and Roid Puns Could Never Be TOO Mainstream If You're Lost in the Galactic Empire!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Long ago robot jokes, far away droid humor, and Force-ful cyborg puns ahead.
| R2-D2 Jokes, Droid Humor, C-3PO Puns | Sci-Fi Robot Jokes | Cyborg Jokes, Android Puns |
| Robot Jokes, AI Tech Bot Puns, Robotics Humor | Mars Rover Jokes | Robot Pick-Up Lines |
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Q. What do you call a robot that alwys takes the longest route? A. R2 Detour!

Q. Which
Star Wars
droid is
the best at
video games?

A. R2-Wii2.

Q. Does R2D2 Have any brothers? A. No, only transistors!

Q. Which robot pilots a self-driving automobile?
A. CaR2-D2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid leaves dents and scatches everywhere it goes?
A. MaR2-D2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid is used to keep hungry mosquitoes away?
A. R2-DEET2.

Q. What did Darth vader say when his old droid sided with Luke Skywalker instead of him?
A. E tu, D2!

Q. Which sci-fi robot was created inside the Death Star?
A. R2-Heat2.

Q. Which Star Wars robot docks in a pod?
A. R2-Pea2.

Q. Which sci-fi robot moonlights as a golf pro?
A. R2-Tee2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid is featured in an exhibit at the Louvre?
A. Art2-D2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid is very well endowed?
A. R2-DD2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid was always unexpectedly surprised?
A. R2Gee2.

Q. Which science fiction robot suffered from a torn ACL?
A. R2Knee2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid apprenticed as a locksmith?
A. R2-Key2.

Q. What is the maiden name of the newly married Star Wars droid?
A. R2-Nee2.

Obi Wan Kenobi: Those aren't the droids you're looking for.
Stormtrooper: They R2!

Q. Which cynical sci-fi robot never believes anything it hasn't witnessed first hand?
A. R2-See2.

Q. Which science fiction droid attends to young robots in the nursery?
A. R2Teat2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid barely passed quality control standards?
A. R2-DDDD2.

Q. Which robot is a pro golfer?
A. PaR2D2.

Q. Which
Star Wars
robot smells
the worst?

A. C-3BO.

Q. Why did the droid cross the road? A. It was programmed by a chicken!

Q. What is
the upgraded version of
R2-D2 called?

A. R2v.2.

Did you hear about the new Star Wars movie with an invisible droid? It's called C-Thru-PO.

Q. Which cyborg do you go to when you need an answer to a galactic question?
A. See-Threepio.

Q. What do you call a sci-fi cyborg that is always angry and in a snit?
A. C-3PO-ed.

Q. What does cyborg model 3PO sport on its feet?
A. Robotoes.

Q. What is C-3PO's favorite Earth TV show?
A. Robot Wars.

Q. Which robot is used to track the route of migraory Canada Geese?
A. R2Vee2.

Q. What was R2-D2's favorite dance step?
A. The Robot.

Q. How do you fix a squeaky R2-D2 unit?
A. With WD-40.

Q. Which sci-fi droid is powered by red root veggies?
A. R2Beet2.

Q. What is the hash tag for when a droid sexually harasses you in the work place?
A. #R2MeToo.

Q. Which droid is assigned to assist an ophthalmologist?
A. R2-See2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid doubles as a podiatrist?
A. Arch2-D2.

Q. Which science fiction film droid doubles as a cardiac surgeon?
A. Heart2-D2.

Q. What do you call a robot with a bladder infection?
A. R2-Pee2.

Q. Which sci-fi robot is loaded with hidden charges?
A. R2Fee2.

Q. Why didn't the droid mechanic ever get lonely? A. Because he was always making new friends!

Q. What
do you call
a drunken

A. BaR2-D2.

Q. What do you need to reroute droids? A. R2 Detour!

Q. Which sci-fi droid is part of a hive mentality?
A. R2-Bee2.

Q. What do you call a copycat droid?
A. R2-Me2.

Q. Which programming language is used to program droids in Star Wars?
A. JawaScript.

Q. Which retired Star Wars droid just sits around all the time?
A. R2-Seat2.

Q. Which sci-fi robot was the second inhabitant of Eden?
A. R2Eve2.

R2D2 walks into a bar and says, "!@#$%^&*()*&^%$#@!" The bartender is a Trekkie, so he phasered him.

Q. What do you call R2-D2 after he's been drinking light beer all night?
A. R2P2.

Q. Which robot fires projectiles in a pub?
A. DaRt2-D2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid is powered by pickle juice?
A. JaR2D2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid was lubricated with animal fat?
A. LaRd-2D2.

Q. Which Star Wars robot repairs potholes on far away worlds?
A. TaR2-D2.

Q. Which sci-fi bot has the most mileage on it?
A. FaR2-D2.

Q. What is R2D2 short for?
A. 'Cause it's built with little legs.

Q. Why did the Stormtrooper buy an iPhone?
A. Because he couldn't find the droid he was looking for.

Q. Which sci-fi robot was exhiled to a field in the middle of nowhere?
A. R2Lea2.

Q. Which
droid plays
the drums
at the
Space Bar?

A. R2Beat2.

Q. Which Star Wars character is a pirate's favorite? A. Arrr2D2!

Q. Which
Star Wars
droid was homosexual?

A. R2-He2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid always sang in two-part harmony?
A. R2-Key2.

Q. Which sci-fi robot can also tune a piano?
A. R2Key2.

Q. How do you know you've encountered a Redneck Jedi?
A. He uses his R-2 unit as a beer coaster.

Q. What is R2-D2's favorite Hollywood movie?
A. RoboCop.

Q. Which sci-fi robot doesn't adhere to a gluten-free diet?
A. R2-Wheat2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid was just an average student?
A. R2-C2.

Q. Which science fiction robot sailed along on Blackbeard's second adventure?
A. R2Sea2.

Q. Which underwater robot is shaped like a long-bodied fish?
A. GaR2-D2.

Q. A long time ago and far away, which droid assisted in Noah's construction project?
A. Ark2-D2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid is helpful to have around from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.?
A. R2-Tea2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid is best for traveling long distances?
A. Far2D2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid doesn't drink coffee?
A. R2-Tea2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid was actually a male sex bot?
A. HaRd2-D2.

Q. Which sci-fi droid model isn't a he or a she, or is both, or is more than two genders?
A. Cyborg 3 Protocol.

Q. For C-3PO, what is even better than AI?
A. BJ.

Q. Which Star Wars robot finally reported being sexually harassed in 2019?
A. R2#metoo.

Q. Which Star Wars droid moonlighted as a restroom attendant?
A. R2-P2.

Q. Which Star Wars droid is a carnivore?
A. R2Meat2.

| R2-D2 Jokes, Droid Humor, C-3PO Puns | Sci-Fi Robot Jokes | Cyborg Jokes, Android Puns |
| Robot Jokes, AI Tech Bot Puns, Robotics Humor | Mars Rover Jokes | Robot Pick-Up Lines |
| Star Wars Jokes | Yoda Jokes, Jedi Puns | Darth Vader Jokes, Dark Side Puns | Wookiee Puns |
| Science Fiction Jokes | Star Trek Jokes | Star Trek TOS Puns | Spock Puns | Klingon Puns |
| Star Trek TNG Jokes | Borg Jokes | Enterprise Captains | Ladies of Star Trek | Space Bar Jokes |
| Lost in Space Jokes | Science Fiction Food Jokes | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes | Sci-Fi Pick Up Lines |
| Dr Who Jokes, Tardis Puns, Whovian Humor | Cyberman Jokes | Dalek Puns | Sci-Fi Doc Jokes |
| Ancient Aliens Jokes | ET Alien Jokes | Green Spaced Alien Puns | Sci-Fi Light Bulb Jokes |
| Science Fiction Cross the Road Jokes | Cows In Space Jokes | Outer Space Jokes | Mars Puns |

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