How do you throw a party for an alien? You have to planet! - Smart Humor, Science Puns, Math Jokes, Pi!

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Q. How did the little green man from outer space feel when he visited earth? A Alone and Alienated!
What do aliens put on their toast? Space Jam!
What did the alien say to the grower? Take me to your weeder!
What do you get if you cross an alien and a kangaroo? A. A Mars-Upial!
Q. Where does an alien go for a few drinks? A. The Space Bar!
What did the alien say to the gardener? Take me to your weeder!
Q. What do you call a loony spaceman? A. Astro-Nut!
Q. What did the alien say when he ran out of room in the UFO? A. I'm all spaced out!
Space Alien Says: Saturday was going so well until I realized it was Sunday!


Alien Jokes, Extraterrestrial Humor, E.T. Puns
Contact spaced out Ancient Aliens humor, spaceman puns, and unearthly little green men jokes.

Space Alien Puns, ET Jokes, Martian Humor
(Because Outer Space Alien Jokes and Extraterrestrial Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream in Inner-Space Earth!)
Warning: Approach with Caution! Outre ET humor, higher intelligence jokes, and spaced out alien puns ahead.
| Extraterrestrial Alien Jokes | UFO LOLs | Ancient Astronaut Theory Jokes | Astronaut Jokes |
| Sci-Fi Jokes | Green Man Alien Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Science Jokes and Scientist Puns | 2 |
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| Planet Puns | Mars Jokes | Mars Rover Jokes | Moon Jokes | Cosmic Jokes and Galactic Puns |

Why don't aliens eat clowns? Because they taste funny!Q. What do you do when you see a space man? A. Park In It!Q. What should you do when you see a green alien? A. Wait until it's ripe!

Q. How do alien poets write their poetry?
A. In Uni-verses.

Q. What is long, slippery, and always phones home while sightseeing?
A. E.T. The Extra Tourist Eel.

Spacy Point to Ponder: What if aliens are responsible for Global Warming and they did it just to break the ice?

Q. What is the difference between E.T. and an illegal alien?
A. E.T. learned to speak English, and then he went home.

Q. What does E.T. use to fasten his spaceship to the docking station?
A. An astro-knot.

Q. What do you get if you cross a college student and an alien?
A. A big brain from another univers-ity!

Q. When aliens made a movie about the Terran System, why did they come back for more Earthlings?
A. They needed some extra terrestrials.

Q. Which kind of car did aliens like to drive when touring the USA during the 1990s?
A. E.T. Cruisers.

Q. Which television series is the favorite of aliens and the gods?
A. Ancient Aliens.

Q. Why can't lawyers ever find loopholes in contracts with alien spacecrafts?
A. Because they're always airtight.

Q. What do you call a sick extraterrestrial?
A. An Ailin' Alien!

Two green aliens were sitting at the Space Bar. One says, "Gjfk yuto z crpxit!" The other says, "Dude, go home. You're drunk!"

Q. What comes from outer space and moves really slowly?
A. Snail-iens.

Q. What do you call a little green spaceman with three eyes?
A. Aliiien.

Q. What do you call an insane green space man?
A. An Astro-Nut!

Q. What do you give a cranky alien? A. Some Space!Q. Why did ET toss beef on the asteroid? A. To make it a little meteor!How do alien parents get Baby ET to sleep? They just rocket!

Q. Why is Roswell the favorite vacation destination for space aliens?
A. Because they blend right in with all the nerdy tourists.

Q. What do you call an alien starship that drips water?
A. A Crying Saucer!

Spaced Out Pick-Up Line: Is your dad an alien? 'Cause you're out of this world!

Q. What time do astronauts eat?
A. At Launch Time!

Q. What do gray aliens put on their toast?
A. Space Jam.

Q. What do you get if you cross an alien and a hot drink?
A. Gravi-Tea.

Q. What is it called when your planet has too many aliens?
A. Extraterrestrials.

Q. What did the doctor say to the rocket ship?
A. It's time to get your booster shot.

Q. What do you get if you cross an airplane and a magician?
A. A Flying Sorcerer!

Q. What do you get if you pay for two aliens, but they give you four?
A. Extraterrestrials.

What do you call an alien stereo system in a futuristic film? A Sci-Fi Hi-Fi!What do aliens wear to bed? Space Jammies!Q. What do aliens serve food on? A Flying Saucers!

Q. Why did the rock star alien retire?
A. The music and drugs got him all spaced out in the 1970s!

Q. Why was the alien logged in online?
A. To update his Spacebook status.

Q. What happened when space aliens tried to abduct Chuck Norris?
A. The aliens were never seen again!

Q. Why did the alien move from the Milky Way to the Soymilky Way galaxy?
A. 'Cause he was galactose intolerant.

Our of This World Pick-Up Line: Are you a space alien? 'Cause you just abducted my heart!

Out of This World Point to Ponder: If Elon Musk discovered an alien, started dating her and then broke up, would she be his SpaceEX?

Q. Why don't aliens play golf in space?
A. Too many black holes.

Q. Why did the alien apply perfume before boarding the spacecraft from Earth?
A. Because the craft had Musk written all over it.

Q. Where do space aliens like to go fishing?
A. In the Galax Sea!

Q. What do you call an overweight gray alien?
A. The Extra Cholesterol!

Q. Which television series is on the radar of the US Space Force?
A. Ancient Aliens Declassified.

Q. What do space aliens eat for breakfast?
A. Nothing. They prefer to wait for launch!

Q. What did the alien say to the feline? A. Take me to your litter!Q. Where does ET park his space ship? A. A Parking Meteor!Q. What do aliens on the metric system say? A. Tae me to your liter!

Q. What did the alien say when its flying saucer landed at a Colorado cattle ranch?
A. Take me to your breeder.

Q. Which kind of space alien hides out in a bog?
A. A Marsh-ian.

Little Green Man Point to Ponder: Could aliens that probe humans actually be pro bono proctologists from another planet, say Uranus for example?

Q. What do you call it if you're seeing a girl from another planet?
A. An inter-spacial relationship.

Q. What did the alien say when he ran out of room?
A. I'm all spaced out!

Q. Where does an overweight space alien go to workout?
A. Planet Fitness.

Q. Why don't spacemen get hungry after being blasted into space?
A. Because they've just had a very big launch!

Q. What do you call a little green man surfing the Internet in your garden?
A. Your brother-in-lawn!

Q. How do space aliens keep their pants up?
A. With an asteroid belt.

Q. What did the alien say to the Jack Daniels distributor?
A. Take me to your liter.

Q. Why did the guy's girlfriend cheat on him with a space alien?
A. 'Cause the sex was out of this world!

Q. What is an alien's favorite Disney movie?
A. Snow White and the Red Dwarfs.

What do you call an overweight alien? An extra cholesterol!Green Alien Says: My wife says I never bring her to an organic?Q. Which Earth day did aliens fin first? A. Sunday!

Q. What does a well-dressed alien wear to a posh party?
A. A space suit.

Q. What has three balls and flies through outer space?
A. E.T. The Extra Testicle.

Q. What's the difference between a man and E.T.?
A. E.T. phoned home!

Q. Which tell-all book about UFOs was never published?
A. Aliens by Ross Whell.

Q. What do aliens call weird technical bugs that occur on the moon?
A. Luna Ticks!

Q. Why do aliens avoid having sex in public view?
A. They prefer to come in peace.

Q. What do you call it when a humans are abducted by alien Teddy bears?
A. Close encounter of the furred kind.

Q. What's E.T. short for?
A. Because he has little legs.

Mars Bars. That explains why there are rare obese aliens visiting Earth and the Milky Way galaxy!

Q. Where do Martians get their eggs?
A. From little green hens.

Q. Why don't space aliens celebrate Christmas?
A. Because they don't like to give away their presence!

If athletes get athlete's foot, do spacemen get mistle toe?

Two aliens walked into a bar on the moon, but they left after a few minutes because it didn't have any atmosphere.

Q. What kind of currency do aliens use?
A. Starbucks.

Q. Why are E.T.'s eyes so big?
A. He saw the phone bill.

| E.T. Jokes | UFO LOLs | Ancient Aliens | Green Man Alien Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Sci-Fi Jokes |
| Outer Space Jokes and Cosmology Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Sun Jokes and Celestial Star Puns |
| Astronaut Jokes | Mars Jokes | Mars Rover Jokes | Moon Jokes | Planet Puns | Galactic Jokes |
| Animal Astronaut | Cows in Space | Engineer Jokes | Math Jokes | Weather Puns | Enviro LOLs |
| Science Jokes + Scientist Puns | 2 | Science Pick-Up Lines | Chemistry Jokes | Physics Puns |
| Museum Puns | Archaeology Jokes and Paleontology Puns | Geologist Jokes and Rock Humor |

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| Author Jokes, Writer Humor | Poetry Jokes | Author Unknown | Book Jokes | Librarian Jokes |
| Brainy Jokes and Smart Puns | Artificial Inelligence Jokes | Brainiac Puns | Brain Jokes | 2 |

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