Camel Says: Happy Hump Day! - Holiday Puns, Silly Seasonal Jokes, Happy Days

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Q. How does a female vampire flirt? A. She bats her eyes!
Gorilla Says: Hey Jane, It's Smooch Day!
Q. What did the bat say to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day? A. You're fun to hang around with!


Love Humor, Valentine's Day Jokes, Cupid Puns
Pick up on take-out jokes, love laughs, flee-smitten puns, lovesick LOLs and Hump Day humor.

Valentine's Day Puns and February 14 Jokes
(Because Dated Jokes and Classic Love Puns Are Never TOO Mainstream on Valentine's Day or Saturday Nights)
Warning: Meet Ball is Hot. Proceed with Caution! Biting Valentine's Day puns and yummy jokes you'll love ahead.
| Valentine's Day Jokes and Funny Valentines | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Valentine VD Pick-Up Lines |
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Q. What did the guy with the broken leg say to his nurse on Valentine's Day? A. I've got a crutch on you!Q. Where do hamburgers take their date on Valentine's Day? A. To the Meatball!Chimp Chef Asks: What happens when you fall in love with a French chef? A. you get buttered up!

Q. What do ominous thunder clouds give out on Valentine's Day?
A. Lots of dark shock-lates.

Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line: Babe, you just dropped something – my jaw!

If Cupid Went Hip Hop: Once yo shot by Cupid, da rest look stupid.

Q. What did the engineer say to his girl on Valentine's Day?
A. I choo, choo, choose you!

Q. What did the carpet salesman give his wife on Valentine's Day?
Rugs and kisses.

Q. What is the best thing about when VD Day is finally over?
A. All the chocolate goes on sale!

Q. What did the French chef give his wife before he headed off to work on Valentine's Day?
A. A hug and a quickie.

Q. What did the shy boy corn say to the girl corn to butter her up?
Shucks, I'd like to ear from you on Valentine's Day.

Q. Do you have a date for Valentine's Day? A. Yes. February 14!Q. What do single people call Valentine's Day? A. Independence Day!Q. Why was the vampire so unlucky in love? A. He always loved in vein!

Valentine's Day Wisecrack: Don't break somebody's heart because they only have one. Break their bone 'cause they have 206 of those.

Q. What did Tom say to Kitty on Valentine's Day?
A. You're meow-valous.

Q. What's the best part of the Valentine's Day season?
A. The day after, when all the candy goes on sale!

Worst Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line Ever: Wanna go on a ate and be my alentine? Don't worry, I'll give you the VD later.

Q. What does a vampire call his sweetie on Valentine's Day?
Bloody Good Ghoul Friend.

Zombie Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line: Hey Brainy, I'd love you even if you were so ugly that everybody died.

Happy Valentine's Day to the gorilla my dreams!I hate cupid! Because he's SO stupid!Q. Why did a guy have his girlfriend arrested on Valentine's Day? A. She stole his heart!

Abstract Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line: Hi, do you know how much a polar bear weighs? ... Enough to break the ice.

Q. What did the painter say to her boyfriend on Valentine's Day?
A. I love you with all my art!

Q. Who is Cupid's favorite superhero?
A. Arrow.

Q. Why did the blonde put clothes on a Valentine before she mailed it?
A. The guy just moved, so it needed to be re-ad-dressed.

Q. Why didn't the blonde break up with the goalie after Valentine's Day?
A. Because he's a real keeper.

Late Night Valentine's Day Come-On Line: Dude, I look like trash tonight, so why don't you take me out?

Q. What do you say to your coffee lover on Valentine's Day? A. I love you a latte!Q. What did the paper clip say to the magent on Valentine's Day? A. I find you very attractive!Q. What did the drum say to another drum on Valentine's Day? A. My heart beats for you!

Q. What did the hot coffee say to the coffee pot on Valentine's Day?
A. I perked up when I met you!

Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line: Babe, what'll it be: coffee, tea, or Love Potion No. 9?

Q. What did the calculator say to the accountant on Valentine's Day.
A. You can always count on me.

Valentine's Day Pick-Up Line in the Lab: BaBe, are you made of carbon? 'Cause I'd sure like to date you.

Q. What did the stamp say to the Valentine?
A. Stick with me and we'll go places together.

Q. What did the frog say on Valentine's Day?
A. I'm hoppy to ribbit, I love you.

| Valentine's Day Jokes and Funny Valentines | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Valentine VD Pick-Up Lines |
| Dating Jokes, Hookup Humor | Dating App Jokes | Girlfriend LOLs | Lover Jokes and Love Puns |

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