Q. What is a locksmith's favorite winter sport? A. Skiiing!   PainfulPuns.com - Job Jokes, Funny Occupations, Work Whoas?

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Q. What's a great name for a top-notch locksmith company? A. Surelock Homes!
Q. Which silent movie lawmen do locksmiths enoy the most? A. The Keystone Cops!
Q. Which character trait are locksmiths most admired for? A. Their keen insight!


Locksmith Puns, Key Jokes, Locked Out Humor
We've found the pass key to funny locksmith jokes, lock-picking puns, and tumbler humor.

Key Humor, Locksmith Jokes, Picky Puns
(Because Funny Locksmith Jokes Could Never Be TOO Mainstream If You Have Lost Your Car Keys AGAIN!)
Warning: Don't Get Locked Out Again! Keynote jokes, locksmith humor, and low-key puns ahead.
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Q. What is a locksmith's favorite pick up line? A. You're Locking Good!Q. Why did the locksmith's girlfriend agree to marry him? A. He's a real keeper!Q. What happened to the locksmith who got jabben in the back by his keys? A. His back locked up!

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey there, are you a lock? 'Cause I'd pick you any day.

Q. What did the locksmith say to his cardiac surgeon?
A. You hold the key to my heart.

Q. Who do locksmiths call for comic relief?
A. The Keystone Cops.

Blonde Locksmith Moment at the Hair Stylist: It looks like we're locked out?

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, you are look-key'n good.

Q. What did the locksmith do when his wife said she needed more space?
A. He locked her outside.

Q. Why did the locksmith's daughter do so well at gynastics?
A. She was taught about tumblers at an early age.

Q. Which Olympics sport always captures the attention of locksmiths?
A. Skiing!

Trying to get more customers, the enterprising locksmith opened up a key-osk!Q. What is a locksmith's favorite dessert? A. Key Lime Pie!Q. What is a locksmith's favorite band? A. The Monkees!

Q. What dress code was adopted at the locksmith's kiosk at the mall?
A. All employees had to wear khaki pants.

Q. Why are locksmiths considered to be versatile vocalists?
A. Because they can sing in any key and know when to break into song.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hello there. Is your name Nessie? 'Cause I like you a loch!

Q. Why did the locksmith become a chef?
A. Because he had a keen sense of taste.

Q. What do locksmiths eat on Sunday mornings?
A. Quiche.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Girl, was your uncle a monkey? 'Cause I'd let you peel my banana any time.

Q. Which singer do soulful locksmiths listen to?
A. Alicia Keys.

Q. Why did the locksmith join the punk band?
A. Because he could sing in any key.

Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Wow, you must be a locksmith because you've got the key to my heart.

Q. How can you tell your Colorado locksmith is a hottie? A. He's Smo-King!Q. How does a locksmith give you a compliment? A. You're locking good!Q. What kind of key works best in a haunted house? A. A Skeletton Key!

Colorado Locksmith Pick-Up Line: Hey girl, wanna see my kilo and get low-key?

Q. How can you tell your locksmith is funny in a good way?
A. He has a keen sense of humor, plus you're no longer locked out.

Q. Why did the safe cracker love the locksmith?
A. Because he held the key to her heart.

Pick-Up a Locksmith Line: Dude, are you from Muskogee? 'Cause you are so Okie!

Key Point to Ponder: Is a locksmith literally the king of the castle?

Q. Who do locksmiths call when they need back up?
A. The Keystone Cops.

Q. Why was a locksmith summoned to testify in court? A. To present key evidence!Q. Whay are locksmiths so good at SEO? A. They know all the key words!Q. How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? A. With a Woo-key!

Q. Why did the locksmith address the audience?
A. He was the keynote speaker.

Q. Does your locksmith hold the key to success?
A. Maybe, but he surely won't be left out in the cold!

Q. Why did the locksmith keep getting promotions and raises?
A. Because he was a key employee.

Q. Does a locksmith hold the key to success?
A. No. (Well, that's what they want you to believe.)

Pick-Up a Locksmith Line: Hi big guy, is your name Smokey? 'Cause you're a real bear.

Q. Why do locksmiths make excellent witnesses?
A. Because they're great at presenting key evidence.

| Locksmith Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Keyed Up Pick-Up Lines | Landlord Jokes | Plumber Puns |
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