Q. which is a dinosaur's least favorite reindeer? a. Comet!   PainfulPuns.com - Holiday Puns, Silly Seasonal Jokes, Happy Days

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Q. What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? A. Rude-Olph!
Q. What do you call a bad puppy on Christmas? A Felix Naughty Dog!
Q. what do tigers sing at Christmas tine? a. Jungle Bells!
Q. What do yu call a dog who works for Santa? A. Santa Paws!


Xmas Animal Jokes and Holiday HumBug Humor
Carol along with baad yuletide puns, festive creature humor, and pet Jimgle Smells jokes.

Fauna Christmas Jokes and Merry Critter Puns
('Caws Xmas Bird Jokes and North Pole Polecat Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream for Santa on December 26th!)
Warning: Proceed with Care! Holiday donkey humor, Xmas cat LOLs, reindeer games and Santa Jaws puns ahead.
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Q. What do you get if you cross a bell and a skunk? A. Jingle Smells!Q. What do you call a sheep that doesn't like Christmas? A. Baa Humbug!Q. Who gives crocodiles presents on Christmas? A. Santa Jaws!

Q. Why don't skunks go Christmas caroling?
A. Because their singing really stinks.

Q. Why don't the other animals want the sheep to be their Secret Santa?
A. Because they give woolly baad gifts.

Q. Why don't crocodiles and alligators like the winter holiday season?
A. It makes them cold-hearted.

Q. Who brings presents to good birdies at Christmas time? A. Santa Caws!Q. What do donkeys send out at Christmas time? a.Mule-tide greetings!Q. What do sheep say at Christmas time? A. Merry Christmas To Ewe!

Q. Why do crows like to perch on top of the chimney on Christmas eve?
A. Be-caws it soots them.

Q. What does Santa bring for good little donkeys?
A. Whatever they ass for.

Q. Why do sheep enjoy Christmas parties so much?
A. 'Cause they woolly like ugly Christmas sweaters.
Q. Which insects are pests on Xmas? A. Humbugs!Q. What is green, covered in tinsel, and hangs from a ceiling? A. Mistle-Toad!Chimp Elf Asks: What do you call a wet animal? A. A Reindeer!

Q. Which animals never sing Christmas carols?
A. HumBugs.

Q. What do little frogs traditionally leave out for Santa on Christmas eve?
A. Cookies and hot croak-o.

Q. How much does Santa pay to park his sleigh and reindeer?
A. Nothing. It's on the house!

Q. Who gives sharks Christmas presents? A. Santa Jaws!Did you hear about the race between Rudolph and another reindeer? Rudolph won by a nose!Q. How do corderos say Merry Christmas? A. Fleece Navidad!

Q. What did the good little shark say to Santa Shark?
A. Sea you again next year.

Q. Why did Santa take 22 reindeer to Walmart?
A. What he was buying cost around 20 bucks, but he thought it wise to bring along some extra doe.

Q. Where do little lambs hang out at Christmas time?
A. By the Nativity set.

Q. Who delivers Christmas presents to cats? A. Santa Claws!Q. What do you call a buffalo at the North Pole? A. Lost!Kitten wearing a Santa hat says: Happy Wants-Day!

Q. What do playful little kittens call the Jolly Old St. Nick of the feline realm?
A. Santa Paws.

Q. What do Santa's little elves call a cow at the North Pole?
A. An Eskimoo!

Q. What do lady reindeer do while the guys are out with Santa?
A. They head down to the Elks Club to blow a few bucks.

| Christmas Animals | 2 | 3 | Reindeer Puns | Santa Claus Jokes | 2 | Elf Puns | Skiing Jokes |
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