Q. Why doesn't Chuck Norris have to flush the toilet? A. He scares the sh*t out of it!   PainfulPuns.com - Crappy Puns, Bathroom Humor, Sh*itty Jokes!

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Did you hear the joke about the toilet? Never mind. It's too dirty!
Chimp Asks: Why did the blonde put candles on the toilet seat? A. She was decorating for a surprise birthday potty!
Port-o-potties say: Go! Broncos!
Q. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? A. It wanted to get to the bottom!
A man who digs for his watch in a toilet is bound to have sh*tty timing!
Q. What do you call Clark Kent with diarrhea? A. Pooperman!
Q. What is a toilet's favorite sport? A. Bowling!


Commode Humor, Toilet Puns, Lavatory Jokes
Flush away the blues with funny toilet jokes, watered down humor, and crappy commode puns.

Toilet Jokes, Crapper Puns, Bathroom Humor
(Because Turdy Toilet Bowl Jokes Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream While You're Waiting for the Roto-Rooter Guy!)
Warning: Proceed with Doo Caution! Crappy crapper humor, John jokes, loo laughs and hoity-toity puns ahead.
| Toilet Jokes | 2 | Toilet Paper Jokes | Urine Jokes, Pee Puns, #1 Humor | Potty Training Jokes |
| Diarrhea Jokes | Constipated Jokes | Turd Jokes, Crap Puns | Outhouse Jokes, Porta Potty Puns |
| Sewer Humor | Fart Jokes | Men's Room Jokes | Superhero Loo Laughs | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes |
| Bath Time Jokes | Lady's Room Jokes | Animal Poop Puns | Manure LOLs | Gas Station Jokes |

Q. Why do toilets run? A. They never learned how to job!Q. Why did they install toilets at the garbage heap? A. Because lots of people go dump there!Q. How many men does it take to put down a toilet seat? A. Who Knows? It's never been done!

Q. Why doesn't Chuck Norris have to flush the toilet?
A. He scares the sh*t out of it!

Q. Why don't elevators have toilets?
A. Because that's taking shit to a whole new level.

Q. How does an Aussie toilet greet you?
A. Bidet, Mate!

Q. How is getting an Amber Alert while you're on the toilet like winning the lottery?
A. Those alerts are designed to scare the crap out of you!

Q. What did the toilet say when a naked tailor walked into the bathroom?
A. Seat yourself.

Q. How do you know if a toilet is lying to you?
A. Just look inside to see if it's full of shit.

21st Century Toilet Point to Ponder: What kind of graphic symbol is PC and acceptable to display to label a public uni-sex restroom?

If pizzas were manhole covers, the sewer would be paradise. – Ed Norton

Q. What did the rectum say to the toilet?
A. There goes all my hard work, right down the drain.

A guy bought a toilet brush because he saw one in every other bathroom. But, after giving it a whirl, he decided to go back to using toilet paper.

We apologize if Painful Puns toilet jokes make you laugh so hard that you pee a little bit.

Q. What's the difference between a bodybuilder and a plumber?
A. A plumber's pipes always stay hard.

Chimp Asks: How many animals can you fit on a toilet? A. One pussy and 1000 hares!All the toilets in NYC police stations have been stolen. Police have nothing to go on!Q. What happens if you fall into the toilet? A. You either sink or swim!

Q. Why is the new high tech toilet so popular?
A. Because it comes with 100s of downloadable books.

Q. How many plumbers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two. One to get the beer, and another to call an electrician.

Toilet Point to Ponder: When pee jokes are not funny, why don't we get pissed off?

Q. Why are toilet jokes so funny?
A. Because they really crack you up!

Q. Why did the cop sit on the toilet?
A. To do his duty.

Q. Why did the guy always smash up bathrooms decorated with ceramics?
A. Because he had a wreck tile dysfunction!

Q. What did the convenience store clerk say to the customer who asked if they had a public toilet?
A. Urine Luck.

A plumber is the only guy who can take a leak and fix one, too.

Q. Why was the guy alarmed after using the toilet and taking a really huge dump?
A. Because he feared he lost one turd of his weight.

Q. What's it called when a big scary ghost poops in your toilet and doesn't flush?
A. A spooky dookie.

Toilet Point to Ponder: Do funny urine jokes piss you off?

Q. Why shouldn't you play poker with a plumber?
A. A good flush beats a full house every time!

Q. What did Mr Spock find in the toilet? A. The Captain's Log!Q. What did one toilet say to the other toilet? A. You look flushed!Q. Why did Superman flush the toilet? A. It was his duty!

Q. What do you call a TV episode that's dedicated to past flatulence?
A. A gassy montage.

Q. Why did the basketball player go to the toilet?
A. Because he was dribbling.

Q. In England, what rank are you when you're in the bathroom?
A. Loo-tenant.

Q. What happens when kids are playing in the garden and don't tell you they have to use the toilet?
A. They soil themselves.

Q. What happens after you spray orange-scented air freshener into your toilet?
A. Then it smells like shitrus.

Plumbers are the only folks who can feel good about being sh*tty!

When a cow in the sky drops a pie in your eye, that's amore? Wham! Smells like being a superhero isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Q. Why did the guy name his toilet Jim?
A. So that he could tell everybody that he goes to the Jim everyday.

Q. Why should you always tip the toilet attendant?
A. Because he's certainly seen some shit.

Q. Why did Batman flush the toilet? A. Because it was his duty!Port-o-potties say: Go! Broncos!Q. Why did the ant fall off the toilet seat? A. He was pissed off!

When you're climbing up a ladder, and you feel something splatter... Holy Crap! Diarrhea!

Q. What is the technical term for an airplane toilet that's in use?
A. A hypotenuse.

Q. What happened when a guy asked an attractive woman to meet him in the restroom?
A. She totally blew him off.

Q. What is the most popular type of bathroom jokes in Denver?
A. Broncos are #1!

Q. Where do football players go before the big game?
A. The Toilet Bowl.

Q. What is the most popular type of bathroom joke?
A. Urine is the clear winner at #1, but poop is a solid #2!

Q. Why did the Energize Bunny spend so much time in the bathroom?
A. Because he just kept going and going...

Q. What do you call an experimental high tech toilet made out of iron, carbon, and aluminum?
A. A FeCAl Matter.

Q. What do you call a person who picks plums?
A. A Plumber!

Q. What do you get if you cross a bear and a toilet? A. Winnie the Pooh!Q. Why did the cop sit on the toilet? A. To do his duty!Q. What kind of fungus might grow in a toilet? A. Toadstools!

Q. What happens when you miss the toilet bowl?
A. Urine trouble with your wife.

Q. What do you call somebody who talks to others while using a public toilet?
A. A urinarrator.

Q. What do you call a fart in German?
A. Fartfropoopin!

Did you hear somebody broke into the Mayberry Sheriff's office and stole the toilet? Barney has nothing to go on...

Q. Why did the lawyer ask the witness if he had to go to the toilet?
A. Because his testimony was full of crap.

A peephole was discovered in the women's restroom at work today. The cops are looking into it...

Don't you just hate it when you call a plumber, and all he does is eat mushrooms and kill your turtles?

Q. Why do pterodactyls pee on the side of the toilet bowl at night?
A. Because the P is silent.

Q. What is another name for the handicapped toilet in the restroom?
A. A handicrapped zone.

| Toilet Jokes | 2 | Toilet Paper Jokes and TP Puns | Urine Jokes, Pee Puns, and #1 Humor |
| Turd Jokes and Crap Puns | 2 | Constipation Jokes and Proctologist Puns | Diarrhea Jokes |
| Shower Jokes, Bath Puns | Potty Trained Puns | Porta Potty Jokes and Outhouse Puns |
| Men's Room Jokes | Ladies Room Humor | Butt Jokes | Underwear Laughs | Yellow Jokes |
| Fart Jokes and Funny Flatulence | Gas Station Jokes | Smelly Jokes, Stinking Funny Puns |
| Plumber Jokes and Sewer Humor | Superhero Loo | 2 | Sci-Fi Toilet Jokes | Janitor Jokes |

| Animal Poop Puns | Fertilizer Jokes, Garden Manure Humor, and Crappy Gnome Puns |

| Bathroom Jokes, Toilet Humor, Potty Puns, Crappy Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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