What do you get if you cross an alien and a kangaroo? A. A Mars-Upial!   PainfulPuns.com - Puns, Jokes, Word Play, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. What do
you call
that live

A. Roo-mates.

Wow, is Today Thirst-Day?

Q. Where do captive

A. At
the kazoo.



Wallaby Jokes, Hopped Up Humor, Roo Puns
Jump on down for jittery kangaroo puns, wild wallaby humor, and marvelous marsupial jokes.

Kangaroo Jokes, Pouch Puns, Marsupial Humor
('Cause Hopped Up Sheila Jokes and Jumpy Joey Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream When You Land Down Unda!)
Warning: Proceed Unda Caution! Jumpy kangaroo jokes, outback bounder humor, and hopless roo puns ahead.
| Kangaroo Jokes | 2 | 3 | Bear Jokes | Panda Puns | Polar Bear LOLs | Chimp Puns | Monkey LOLs |
| Giraffe Jokes | Elephant Jokes | Hippo Puns | Safari Animal Jokes | Gorilla Jokes | Bigfoot Jokes |
| Zoo Jokes | Wildcat Puns | Lion Jokes | Leopard Jokes, Cheetah Puns | Lynx Laughs | Tiger Puns |

Q. What happened after the kangaroo drank coffee? A. He was all hopped up!

Q. What do
you call
a tired

A. Out
of bounds.

Space Creature Asks: What do you get if you cross an alien and a kangaroo? A. A Mars-Upial!

Q. What is the courtship ritual of marsupials called?
A. Kanga Woo..

Q. Which kind of marsupials like to play tricks on you?
A. Kanga-ruse.

Q. What did the outback chef use in his wild game recipes?
A. Kanga roux.

Q. Why do kangaroos dislike rabbit comedians so much?
A. 'Cause they steal all their jokes.

Q. What is it called when a marsupial has the feeling he's seen this joke before?
A. Kanga Vu.

Q. What do you call a wallaby that's stuck in a rut?
A. A kanga-groove.

Q. What does a kangaroo say about the time he lost the high-jump competition?
A. I roo the day...

Q. Which kind of marsupial is a stickler fo regulations?
A. The kanga-rule.

Q. Why are kangaroos so good at basketball?
A. Because they always make jump shots.

Q. Which Olympic event won the kangaroo a gold medal?
A. The long jump.

Q. Which kind of marsupial teaches yoga classes?
A. The kang-guru.

Q. Where do dyslexic kangaroos go for medical treatment?
A. To the hopspital.

Q. What do you call a wallaby with rosy pink cheeks?
A. A kanga-rouge.

Q. What is the difference between a kangaroo and a lumberjack?
A. A kangaroo hops and chews, but the lumberjack chops and hews.

Q. What is marsupial poop called?
A. Kangapoo.

Q. What is
a lazy baby kangaroo

A. A pouch

Kangaroo asks: What happened after the kangaroo drank beer? A He was all hopped up!

Q. What do
you call
an angry

A. Hopping

Q. What did Mrs. Kangaroo expect her hubby to do with today's to-do list?
A. Hop to it!

Q. How does Sheila describe her mad, groucy hubby, Joey?
A. Angeroo.

Q. Why do mother kangaroos dread rainy weather?
A. Because the kids have to play indoors!

Q. What quenches a little kangaroo's thirst on a hot day?
A. A juice pouch.

Q. What does the mommy kangaroo call her twins?
A. Her darling kanga-twos.

Q. Which Colorado craft beer do kangaroos enjoy?
A. Hop Around the Clock.

Q. Why did the kangaroo hop into the bar?
A. He heard they were looking for a bouncer.

Q. Whose beer is better: rabbit's or kangaroo's?
A. Both have plenty of hops, but the kangaroo's beer has a lot more kick.

Q. Which drinking game do kangaroos like to play?
A. Hop Scotch.

Kangaroo Pick-Up Line: Hey big guy, is that a snake in your pocket, or are you just hoppy to see me?

Q. Which kind of marsupial has really bad manners?
A. The kanga-rude.

Q. What happens when you try to cross your donkey with a kangaroo?
A. You get your ass kicked!

Q. What kind of music do kangaroos listen to?
A. Hip hop.

Q. Which kind of marsupial is a country bumpkin?
A. A kanga rube.

Q. What did the sick kangaroo go to the hospital?
A. 'Cause he needed an hoperation.

Q. What is an

A. Spring.


Q. Why did
the kangaroo

A.'Cause he didn't want
to jump to conclusions.


Q. What do
you get if
you cross a
kangaroo and
a calendar?

A. Leap Year.

Q. What do you get when you cross a marsupial and an owl?
A. A kanga-hoo.

Q. Which kind of musical shows do kangaroos often attend?
A. Hoperas.

Q. What do you get if you cross a marsupial and a cock?
A. Kanga-rooster.

Q. What do you get when you cross a wallaby with a eucalyptus tree?
A. Kanga-roots

Q. What happened to the thief who stole a baby kangaroo?
A. Aussie police arrested him for being a pickpocket.

Q. What kind of outfit does a stylish kangaroo wear?
A. A jumpsuit.

Q. What did the truck driver say to the hitchhiking kangaroo?
A. Hop in.

Q. What do you call marsupial vomit?
A. Kangogoo.

Q. What do you call somebody who loves Aussie marsupials so much that he emulates them?
A. A wallaby wannabe.

Q. What do you get when you cross a marsupial and a ghost?
A. A kanga-boo.

Q. Where do kangaroos like to eat breakfast?

Q. Which amazing Aussie animal jumps when it walks and sits while it stands?
A. The kangaroo.

Q. How
do you
describe an insane

A. Hopping

What do you get if you cross a student and an alien? Somethig from another university!

Q. Why don't kangaroos
make great

A. 'Cause
they always
jump ship.

Q. What do Australians call a marsupial lawyer?
A. A kanga-sue.

Q. Why didn't the marsupial athlete make it onto the Olympics team?
A. 'Cause he didn't koala-fy!

Q. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a snake?
A. A jumprope.

Q. What do you get if you cross a marsupial and a rooster?
A. Kanga-doodle-doo.

Kangaroo Pick-Up Line: G'day Sheila, how'd you like to tour down unda?

Q. What do kangaroos have that no other animal has?
A. Baby kangaroos.

Q. Which games do kanga kids like best?
A. Hopscotch and jump rope.

Q. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a cow?
A. A kanga-moo.

Q. Which kind of kangaroo only eats broth?
A. A mar-soup-ial.

Down Unda Joey Pick-Up Line: Hey Sheila, I have the necessary koala-fications to make you a very happy girl.

Q. How did the kid kangaroo drown?
A. He jumped off the deep end.

Q. Which kind of marsupial lives on top of a building?
A. A kanga-roof.

Q. What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?
A. A woolly good jumper

Q. What kind of candy do baby kangaroos enjoy?
A. Lollihops.

Q. Why do kangaroos dislike hoppy frog comedians so much?
A. 'Cause they steal all their jokes.

| Kangaroo Jokes | 2 1 3 | Giraffe Jokes | Elephant Jokes | 2 | Hippo Puns | 2 | Safari Animal LOLs |
| Zoo Jokes | Wildcat Puns | Lion Jokes | 2 | Leopard Jokes, Cheetah Puns | Lynx LOLs | Tiger Puns |
| Bear Jokes | 2 | 3 | Panda Puns | Polar Bear Jokes | Deer Jokes | 2 | Buffalo and Bison Jokes | 2 |
| Wolf Jokes | 2 | 3 | Fox Puns | Mouse Jokes, Rat Puns | Rabbit Jokes, Hare Puns | Yak Jokes | 2 |
| Forest Critter Puns | Bat Jokes | Owl Jokes, Owl-ful Puns | Animal Poop Puns | Sea Mammals |
| Gorilla Jokes, Big Ape Puns | 2 | 3 | Bigfoot Jokes | Sasquatch Jokes | Colorado Bigfoot Jokes |
| Chimpanzee Puns | Monkey Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | Stoner Monkeys | Animal Potheads | Animal Bar |
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