Q. What do you call a negative bison? A. A buffa-no!   PainfulPuns.com - Animal Puns, Wildlie Humor, Beary Funny Jokes!

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Q. What do you call a bison that swims? A. A water buffalo!
Q. What do you call a dyslexic buffalo? A. An Olaffb!
Q. What do you call a radioactive bison? A. A buffa-glow!
Q. What do you call a bison with big hair? A. A buffa-fro!


American Bison Jokes, Buffalo Puns, Bovinae Humor
Stampede along with wildly funny buff alone puns, bluffalo humor, and a buffa lode of bison jokes.

Colorado Buffalo Jokes, Bison Puns, Buffa Loco LOLs
(Because Buff Jokes and Bye Son Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream When You're Ready to Shuffle Off to Buffalo!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Biff-a-Loman jokes, buff hello humor, buffa moans and buffa-know puns ahead.
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Q. What do you call a drunken bison? A. A buffa-loaded!
Q. What did father buffalo say to his boy when he left for college? A. Bison, CU later!
Q Which animal is always the designated driver? A The water buffalo!

Q. What do you call an insane bison that does crazy stuff?
A. A buffa-loco.

Q. What do Colorado natives call a bison in lower downtown Denver?
A. Buffa LoDo.

Q. Where do bison poker players go to get in on the big game?
A. They shuffle off to Buffalo.

Q. What do you call a bison salesman who's a failure?
A. Biff-a-Loman.

Q. What's it called when a CU freshman doesn't have a roommate?
A. Buff-alone.

Q. What do you call it when you lend money to a Colorado bison?
A. A Buffa-loan!

Q. What do CU fans cheer whn the Buffs have the ball?
A. Buffa, GO!

Q. What do CU fans say to their star quarterback to cheer him on?
A. Buffa, throw!

Q. What do zoologists call the end of a bison's ear?
A. The buffa lobe

Q. What do male American bison call their best buds?
A. Buffa-bros.

Q. What do you call a water buffalo going downstream?
A. Buffa-flow.

Q. Where do bison go to the bathroom at the zoo in London?
A. The buffa loo.

Q. What do you call a bison that works out? A. A buff-alo!
Q. What do yu call a buffalo that lives 200 years? A. A bison-tennial!
Q. What do you get if you cross a bison and a deer? A. A Buffa-Doe!

Q. What do you call a bison who's a great poker player?
A. Bluffalo.

Q. What does a bison say when he answers the phone?
A. Buff Hello!

Q. What do you call a grouchy bison with a bad disposition?
A. Gruff-alo.

Q. What is a bison outcast called?
A. Buffa lonely.

Q. What did miners call the profitable gold mine accidentally discoved by a herd of bison?
A. Buffa lode.

Q. What do Coloradans call the anguished cry of a bison?
A. Buffa moan.

Q. What do you get when you cross a bison with a pelican?
A. Buffalo Bill.

Q. What do you get when you cross the big bad wolf with a bison?
A. Huff 'n puff-alo.

Q. Where can you find the most wild American bison in Colorado?
A. Buffa, CO.

Q. What do you get if you cross a bison and a frog? A. A buffa-toad!
Q. What do you call a short bison A. A buffa-low!
Q. When two bison want to run off to get married, what do they do? A They buffalope!

Q. What do you get when you cross a bison with a raven?
A. A buffa-crow.

Q. What do you get when you cross a bison with a German Shepherd?
A. A ruff-alo.

Q. What do you call a macho bison who's a real thug?
A. Tough-alo.

Q. What is a naked bison called?
A. Buffalo.

Q. What is a hermit bison called?
A. A buffa-lone.

Q. Which bison goes, "Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck" all the time?
A. Buffa-Moe.

Q. What do you call an American bison with a Ph.d?
A. Buffa-know.

Q. What do male bison call a promiscuous she bison?
A. Buffa-ho.

Q. What does a she bison call her steady boyfriend?
A. Buffa-beau.

Q. Where do American bison like to go on holiday?
A. To a buffalo-cation.

Q. How do you get a bison's attention?
A. Just yell, "Buffa Yo!"

Q. What do you call a solitary bison?
A. Buff alone.

Q. What do you call an Hawaiian bison? A..Buff-aloha!
Q. What do you call an allbino bison during the winter? A. A buffa-snow!
Q. What do you call a truck full of bison? A. Buffa-load!

Q. Which airline transports bison travelers around North America?
A. Buffalo Wild Wings.

Q. What do zoologists call a bison no-no?
A. A buffa don't.

Q. Which kind of bison races to prairie fires to put them out?
A. The snuff-alo.

Q. How do bison survive after a big snowstorm?
A. They shovel off to Buffalo.

Q. What did the buffalo say when a quick-moving thunderstorm rolled in at noon?
A. Bye sun.

Q. What do you call an unrefined bison?
A. Rough-alo.

Q. What do you call a big bison turd?
A. Buffa loaf.

Q. What does a dominant male a bison call his arch enemy?
A. Buffa foe.

Q. What do you call bison hoarder with far too many posessions?
A. Stuff-alo.

Q. How do you make sense of a water buffalo? A. With buffalo nickles!
Q. What do you call a bunch of bison on a stage? A. A buffa-show!
Q. What do you call a bison that cuts the grass? A. A buffa-mow!

Q. What does the taxidermist call his work that's displayed in the history museum's American bison exhibit?
A. Stuff-alo.

Q. What do you call a poky bison that just creeps along?
A. Buffa-stow.

Q. What is an obstinent toddler bison called?
A. A Buffa-NO!

Q. What's the name of the business run by bison entrepreneurs?
A. Buffa-Co.

Q. What do you call a mediocre bison joke?
A. Buffa-so so

Q. What do you call a bison magician?
A. Poof-alo.

Q. What do you call the bison reporter on local tv news that does sappy feel-good features?
A. Fluff-alo.

Q. What do you call a bison that's out of breath?
A. Huff-alo.

Q. What do you call a plow being pulled by a bison?
A. Buffa towed.

Q. What do horticulturists call soil enhanced with bison manure?
A. Buffa loam.

Q. Which kind of fertilizer grows the best grass for bison?
A. Buffa Gro

Q. How did the old bison in Buffalo, NY die?
A. He just shuffled off.

| Buffalo and Bison Jokes | 2 | Bear Jokes | 2 | 3 | Panda Puns | Polar Bear Jokes | Deer Jokes | 2 |
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