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Q. Where do
spiders go
on their

A. Lake Eerie.

Wow, is it Webs Day Already?

Q. Why do
spin webs?

A. 'Cause they
don't know
how to knit.

Q. Why did the housefly fly?

A. 'Cause the tarantula spied her!

Q. What is Spider-Man's favorite band? A. The Spinners!

Q. Where does a sick spider go?

A. To a spin doctor.

Q. What is Spider-Man's favorite month of the year? A. Web-ruary!

Tarantula Jokes, Spider Puns, Arachnid Humor
Drop in for spun puns, eight-legged laughs, arachnophobia humor and spiderweb jokes.

Spider Jokes, Black Widow Humor, Web Puns
('Cause Tarantula Jokes ane Big Scary Spider Puns Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream When Uninvited Guests Drop By!)
Warning: Proceed Cautiously! Arachnid jokes, cobweb humor, daddy long legs LOLs and deadly spider puns ahead.
| Spider Jokes, Arachnid Puns | 2 | Housefly Jokes | Butterfly Jokes, Moth Puns, Caterpillar LOLs |
| Insect Jokes, Bug Puns, Entomology LOLs | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bee Jokes, Hive Humor, Wasp LOLs | 2 |
Frog Jokes and Toad Puns | Hiss-terical Snake Puns | Lizard LOLs | Gator Grins | Dinosaur Jokes |
A tarantula found a date online. He spider on the web!

Q. Which computer
feature do spiders
like best?

A. The
web cam!

Funny Arachnid Riddle: Q. What do you call young married spiders? A. Newly Webs

Q. What is it called when big hairy spiders rain down out of the sky?
A. A tarantula downpour!

Q. What do you call an arachnid that works for the CIA?
A. A Spy-der.

Seductive Woman: Undress me with your words.
Wouldbe Beau: There's a spider in your bra.

Q. How are tarantulas and hookers alike?
A. Both leave you with a nasty itch.

Q. Which day of the week is every spider's favorite?
A. Webs-Day!

Q. What's it called when a spider lies to you?
A. Spinning a tale.

Q. Which kind of spider is always mistaken for another type of arachnid?
A. Daddy Wrong Legs.

Eight-Legged Point to Ponder: Do deadly funny arachnid puns really bite?

Q. Why should spiders prosper on the Internet?
A. 'Cause they're so great at web design.

Q. What should you do if a spider crawls into your keyboard?
A. Nothing – if it's under ctrl. Otherwise, just hit the esc key.

Q. What is the name of the first ever web master?
A. Spider.

Q. How does a spider diagnose various bugs she's feeling?
A. She uses WebMD.

Q. Why shouldn't you buy an exotic spider from a pet shop?
A. 'Cause you can just get one on the web.

Q. Which kind of spider hangs around cannabis grow houses?
A. Daddy Bong Legs.

Q. What's even worse than spiders on your piano?
A. Crabs on your organ.

Q. When do spiders go on their honeymoon?
A. After their webbing day.

Q. What is a black widow spider's favorite classic TV game show?
A. The Newly Web Game.

Did you hear about the spider love triangle? It was a tangled web.

Q. When do spiders get married?
A. On their webbing day.

Q. Why do Black Widow spiders kill their mates right after the honeymoon?
A. To stop the snoring before it begins.

Q. What happened after the guy rolled up a newspaper and hit the black widow?
A. He was escorted out of the funeral.

Q. Which kind of spider is always chasing the ladies?
A. A wolf spider.

Q. What do you call a spider who works for a public realations firm?
A. Spin Doctor.

Q. What do
order at Paris cafes?

A. French

Q. Why are spiders great tennis players? A. Because they have great topspin!

Q. What did
the black
widow spider
do online?

A. She built
a dating

Q. Which day of the week do spiders look forward to?
A. Fly-day.

Q. What happens if you cross a spider with an ear of corn?
A. You get cobwebs!

Waiter: Enjoy your meal. Can I get you anything else?
Spider: Waiter, there's a fly in my soup. Please send my compliments to the chef!

Q. What did the spider say to the ghost?
A. Please stop scaring all the flies away!

Q. What did the Black Widow say to her new hubby?
A. Time's fun when you're having flies.

Q. Which kind of spider is a wine connoisseur?
A. The Cellar Spider (Daddy Long Legs).

Q. Which kind of spider likes to play beer drinking games in the garage?
A. Daddy Pong Kegs.

Q. Which kind of spider likes to play hopscotch?
A. The Jumping Spider.

Q. What is a spider's favorite party game?
A. Spin the Bottle.

Arach-No Point to Ponder: When spiders trap flies in their web, is that considered a buzz kill?

Q. Why are spiders such great basketball players?
A. Because they're all eight-footers!

Q. Why is the spider the best outfielder on the winning baseball team?
A. Because he's great at catching flies.

Q. Which spider was the best baseball player?
A. Ty Cobweb.

Q. Which kind of spider might you see at the golf course?
A. Caddy Long Legs.

Q. Where do London spiders play football?
A. Webley Stadium.

Q. Which kind of spider are other arachnids afraid of?
A. Baddy Long Legs.

Q. Where do killer arachnids get their weapons?
A. The Dark Web.

Q. What is a fear of Middle East spiders called?
A. Iraqnophobia.

Q. What do you call a spider that lost a leg battling army ants?
A. An antputee.

Q. Which kind of spider always wears the hottest fashions and has the newest tech gadgets and gizmos?
A. Faddy Long Legs.

Q. How are a spider and a woman with fake boobs alike?
A. If you don't like them, you're a-rack-no-phobic.

Q. Why did the little guy want to be reincarnated as a tarantua?
A. So that when women see him, they'll scream, "OMG! It's so BIG!"

Q. What do you call a male spider who is very well endowed?
A. Daddy Dong Legs.

Q. Which kind of spider has a very large penis?
A. Daddy Nine-Legs.

Black Widow Spider Pick-Up Line: Hey big fella, are you a fly? 'Cause I want to wrap you up and take you to my web.

Q. What did the Black Widower spider say when his wife broke their web?
A. Darn it!

Q. Which kind of spider mate does a lonely black widow go for?
A. Brown Recluse.

Q. Why do spiders like haunted houses?
A. 'Cause ghosts can't knock down their webs.

Q. What happens if you spray a scary hairy spider with hairspray?
A. If it doesn't die, it's hair will look amazing for days.

Q. Why did
the spider
wear glasses?

A. To improve her websight.


Q. What was
the spider
doing online?

A. Searching
the Web.


Q. How did a spider destroy the World
Wide Web?

A. He gave it
a bug.

Q. How do you find a black widow on line?
A. Check out her website. '

Q. What are spider webs good for?
A. Halloween decorations.

Q. What did the spider do on its computer?
A. It built a website!

Q. What's good for spider bites?
A. An angry spider.

Q. What do you call a spider with four eyes?
A. Spiiiider.

Q. How is a busy spider like a toy top?
A. She's always spinning.

Q. What do you get if you cross a spider and a tree squirrel?
A. A pest that runs up your leg to eat your nuts!

Q. Which kind of spider is a stickler for rules and proper procedures?
A. Doddy Long Regs.

Q. What's it called when you have a whole lot of spiders in your house?
A. A No Fly Zone!

Q. What's the difference between a spider and a web designer?
A. Spiders strive for bugs on the web.

Q. What do you get if you cross a spider and an eyeball?
A. A websight.

Q. Why is it so hard to trust a spider?
A. 'Cause they post so much stuff on the web.

Q. What did Mrs. Black Widow say to the kids?
A. You are spending far too much time on the Web.

Q. Why do spiders hate search engines?
A. 'Cause their websites are always being taken down.

Q. Which web crawler always has the most fun?
A. Yahoo!

Q. Which spider is a Catholic priest?
A. Father Longlegs.

Q. How tall are tarantulas?
A. They're all 8-footers.

Q. Which kind of house plants are flies afraid of?
A. Spider plants!

Q. What happens when a spider goes into your ear?
A. It makes your head spin!

Q. What do you call a tiny arachnid with a nasty case of diarrhea?
A. Itsy Shitsy Spider.

Q. When does a big hairy spider poop?
A. Web-ever it wants.

Q. Which kind of spider goes to anger management?
A. Maddy Long Legs.

Q. Which kind of spider takes prescription antidepressant drugs?
A. Saddy Long Legs.

Q. What is the fear of spiders wearing parkas called?
A. Anorak-o-phobia.

Q. Why was the Daddy Long Legs wearing a disguise?
A. 'Cause he was a spy-der.

Q. What is
every spider's favorite
outdoor sport?

A. Fly fishing.

Q. What does Spider-Man do for a living? A. He's a Web Designer!

Q. Why did the spider take
a test drive?

A. He wanted
to go
for a spin.

Q. Why did the spider take swimming lessons?
A. She wanted to surf the web!

A black widow drops into the bar. Bartender asks, "What's your poison?"

Q. Why do spiders make surprisingly good swimmers?
A. 'Cause they have webbed feet.

Q. Why shouldn't you wear spider silk pants?
A. 'Cause the flies always get stuck.

Q. What do you do if you find a spider in your shoe?
A. Tell him it's not his size and smack him with your other shoe.

Q. What kind of spider hangs out on coat racks?
A. Daddy Long Pegs.

Q. How does a hipster spider refer to another spider hipster?
A. Webster.

Q. How does a spider feel after you step on him?
A. Genuinely crushed.

Q. Which kind of spider frequents strip clubs?
A. Daddy Thong Legs.

Q. What's worse than seeing a spider?
A. When it's suddenly gone, and you don't know where it went!

Q. Why do spiders have eight legs?
A. 'Cause if they only had six, they'd be insects.

Q. Which fall beverage do flies avoid?
A. Apple Spider.

Q. Why do spiders spin webs?
A. 'Cause they don't know how to crochet.

Q. What does an online spider do?
A. It surfs the web.

Q. What do you call it when Spiderman is involved in a love triangle?
A. A tangled web.

Q. What would you call it if Spider-Man's cousin, Spider-Cuz, joined the Marvel universe?
A. A spin off.

Q. How can you tell when a spider is angy?
A. He goes right up the wall!

Q. Which kid spider has his own sitcom in the 1980s?
A. Webster.

Gal Pal: What are spider webs good for?
Blonde: Spiders. DUH!

Q. Which kind of spider coexists happily with rodents?
A. Ratty Long Legs.

Q. Which kind of spider plays a percussion instrument in the orchestra?
A. Daddy Gong Legs.

Q. Which kind of spider writes musical lyrics?
A. Daddy Song Legs.

Q. Why was the arachnid howling?
A. 'Cause he was a wolf spider.

Q. Where do spiders learn what a new word means?
A. They use Webster's Dictionary.

Q. What did the spider do at her job at the PR firm?
A. She put a positive spin out there.

Q. Which kind of spider hangs out at busy intersections and panhandles?
A. Daddy Long Begs.

Q. Why did the Russian spider crawl under the bedspread?
A. He was working under cover.

Q. Why was the black widow spending so much time online?
A. She was beta testing her new dating website for spinsters.

Q. What do you call it when a dozen spiders are riding on a unicycle tire?
A. A spinning wheel.

Q. Why do spiders make terrible pilots?
A. 'Cause they randomly go into tail spins.

Q. Why did the tarantula drive off in the spider's car?
A. He just wanted to go for a quick spin.

Q. Why was that big ol' spider such a bad driver?
A. Because he was always spinning out.

Q. Which classic toy still fascinates spiders?
A. Toy tops, 'cause they're always spinning.

Q. Which spider ran away from the ball?
A. Spin-derella.

Q. What did the blonde name her new pet wolf spider?
A. Fang.

Q. What did Miss Muffet name her new pet spider?
A. Charlotte.

Q. Why did the spider sit beside Miss Muffet?
A. He was trying to frighten the tuffet away.

Q. What did the blonde in London name her new pet tarantula?
A. Harry.

Q. Which spider is indigenous to Ireland?
A. Paddy Long Legs.

Q. What happens when your pet tarantula escapes?
A. Everybody in the house bugs out!

Black Widower Pick-Up Line: Hey bae, ever tried a sex swing made of spiderwebs?

Q. What do Geek Spiders do all day?
A. Build websites.

Q. Which kind of Middle Eastern spider explodes when you find its web?
A. Jihaddy Long Legs.

| Spider Jokes, Arachnid Puns | 2 | Housefly Jokes | Butterfly Jokes, Moth Puns, Caterpillar LOLs |
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