Q. What message would Bach leave on his voice mail? A. This phone is Baroque, please call Bach later!   PainfulPuns.com - Tech Jokes, PC Puns, Web Groans, Net Ouch!

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A woman was arrested for having an accident on her cellphone. She was charged with DWI: Driving While Intalksicated.
Q. What do you call the security guards who work at Samsung stores? A. Guardians of the Galaxy!
Q. How do modern cowboys stay in touch? A. They send tex messages!
Q. Which types of electronic gadgets never make users angry? A. Ire-Less Devices!


Funny Phone Jokes, Mobile Puns, Telecom Humor
Call in for funny phone puns, cell phone humor, cellular sillies and classic telephone jokes.

Telephone Jokes, Cell Phone Humor, Phony Puns
(Because Smart Phone Jokes Couldn't Be TOO Mainstream When You're on Hold or Looking for a Phone Booth?)
Warning: Answer with Caution! Retro telephone jokes, ringing phone puns, and lots of wrong numbers ahead.
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Q. How can you tell if someone who'l drinking a soda is on the phone? A. you get a fizzy signal!Q. Why don't blondes take their phone into the bathroom? A. They don't want to share their IP address!Q. How did the telephones get married? A. In a double-ring ceremony!

Q. How can you tell a bee is on the phone?
A. You get a buzzy signal.

Q. What do you get if you cross scissors with a phone?
A. Snippy answers!

Q. Why couldn't the naked guy get cell phone service?
A. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service...

High Tech Point to Ponder: If today's smart phones have a million times the power of the computers that sent Apollo to the moon, can you brag that you have a rocket in your pocket?

Q. Why did the blonde guys stop fishing for phones?
A. Because they always ring off their hooks.

Q. When won't your phone work under water?
A. When it's wringing wet!

Q. How is a phone like a dirty bathtub?
A. Both have rings.

Q. Why did the blonde, who slept with her cell phone under her pillow, wake up with a $10 bill there instead?
A. She was visited by the Bluetooth Fairy!

Did you hear about the couple who got married under a cell tower? The wedding was okay, but the reception was terrific!

Q. What does a cat with Verizon cell service say?
A. Can you hear meow?

When pesky telemarketers call, just hand the phone to your three-year-old and tell her it's Santa!

Q. Why did the garden gnome set his phone's ringer to vibrate?
A. He was afraid a ring tone would blow his cover.

Q. What do you gt if you cross a telephone and a fat football player? A. A wide receiver!A guy was always leaving himself voicemail messages, he was so self-sendered!Q. What do you get if you cross a telephone and an iron? A. A smooth operator!

Q. What do you get if you cross a phone and a night crawler?
A. Ringworm!

Q. How does a football player make calls?
A. On his touchdown phone.

Q. What happened to the thug who beat up some guy with his dead cell phone?
A. He was charged with battery.

Chuck Norris didn't dial the wrong number, you picked up the wrong phone!

Q. What did voice mail say to the phone?
A. Take my word for it!

Pick-Up Batman Line: Hey big guy, is that the Batphone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Q. Why did Robin pick up the Batphone?
A. Because it bat-a-rang.

Q. What do you get if you cross a phone with mouthwash?
A. A telescope!

Telephone rings. Caller: "Hello, is this 555-5555?" "Why yes it is," came the reply. Caller: "Would you please call 911 for me? I've superglued my finger to the 5 button!"

Q. Where do phones like to go on vacation?
A. The Great Call of China.

Skunk Says: The IRS left a message on my cell phone. It was a taxed message!Q. What do bananas say when they answer the phone? A. Yellow!Q. How do really laid-back dudes answer the phone? A. "Mellow."

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did YOU answer the phone?

Q. Which kind of phone makes the coolest music?
A. A saxophone!

Did you hear about the guy who deleted all the Germanic names off his mobile phone? Now, it's a Hans-Free device.

Q. Which animals spend the most time on the phone?
A. Yakkity Yaks.

A blonde got a new cell phone from her hubbie. Next day she went shopping and her phone rang. Her husband asked, "How's your new phone?" She replied, "Great, but how'd you know I was at Wal-Mart?"

Q. How does a skeleton call its friends?
A. On its tele-bone.

Q. What asks no questions, yet demands an answer?
A. Your phone!

Blonde Technology Point to Ponder: The new iPhone uses facial recognition to unlock it, so can I still use it after I take my makeup off?

Q. What do you get if you cross a ring-tone and retro jeans?
A. Bell Bottoms!

Q. How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? A. with Ewokie Talkies!Q. What do you call a phone call between one vicar and another? A. A parson to parson call!Q. What do you get if you cross a rooster and a telephone pole? A. A long wooden cock that wants to touch somebody!

Telecommunications Point to Ponder: If a ban was put on all phone calls to the Middle East, would that be a teleban?

Q. What do convicts use to call each other?
A. Cell phones.

A guy saw another guy texting and driving. The first guy guy so mad, that he threw his beer at Tex.

Q. What do you call the music you get while on hold?
A. Symphonies.

Retro Cell Phone Laughs: Life was so much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits.

Q. What does it sound like when a colorful telephone answers?
A. Green, Green. Yellow?

Q. What do you get if you cross a rooster and a phone?
A. A wake up call.

Q. Why did the chicken walk on the phone wires?
A. She wanted to lay it on the line.

Did you see the latest Tweet about the telephone pole on Colorado Blvd. being replaced? It was a repost.

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