Q. Why are pirates such great singers? A. they can hit the high Cs!   PainfulPuns.com - Puns, Jokes, Word Play, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. Which classic rock group sings about black and white cookies? A. Oreo Speedwagon!
Did you hear about the pigs who put on a musical? They really like to ham it up!
Q. Who is Hulk's favorite band? A. Green Day!
Q. How is playing the viola like peeing in your pants? A. Both give you a nice warm feeing without making a sound!
Happy Tubas Day!


Music Jokes, Band Instrument Humor, Noted Puns
Strum along with funny music jokes, noted puns, scaly humor, and easy listening humor.

Band Jokes, Musician Puns, Sharp Music LOLs
(Because Silence is Golden Could Never Be Mainstream Enough and Disco is Dead – Or Is It? Wait, Don't Panic!)
Warning: Listen Cautiously! Note, the key to relief for a sharp musical headache is toney jokes and notey puns.
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Q. Which concert only costs 45 Cents? A. 50 Cent featuring Nickleback!Q. What do mummies listen to on Halloween? A. Wrap music!Q. What do you get if you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A. A Flat Miner!

Q. What do you call 50 Cent after he gives his opinion about Eminem?
A. 48 Cent.

Q. What's the difference between a lead guitarist and a terrorist?
A. You can negotiate with a terrorist!

Q. What does a guitarist say when he gets to his gig?
A. Would you like fries with that?

Q. What do ya call slow moving guitar music?
A. Walk and Roll.

Q. What's an ancient mummy's favorite kind of music?
A. Ragtime!

Q. Which Excitable Boy sang about Werewolves in London?
A. Warren Zevon.

Q. Which album cover is the fave of werewolves now and in 1983?
A. Bark at the Moon by Ozzy Osbourne.

Q. How can you tell is Bigfoot a rap fan?
A. He likes to knock on wood.

Q. Why was the piano laughing?
A. Because someone was tickling its ivories!

Q. What is messy and sits on a piano bench?
A. Beethoven's First Movement.

Q. How can you tell you've been sitting too long playing the piano?
A. Your Bach hurts.

Q. What is Darth Vader's stage name when he plays his electric piano?
A. The Synth Lord.

Q. What do you call a person who offers private trumpet lessons? A. A Tooter Tutor!Q. What message would Bach leave on his voice mail? A. This phone is Baroque, please call Bach later!Q. What's the difference between a piano and a tuna? A. You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna!

Q. What do you call an arrogant trumpeter?
A. A Brass-Hole.

Q. Why is jazz the music genre most often used to set the mood?
A. 'Cause it's so horny.

Q. What do you call a berry that plays the trumpet?
A. Tooty Fruity.

Q. Why did the humble trumpet player always borrow other musician's trumpets?
A. Because he didn't like blowing his own horn.

Q. Which brass instruments sound a little like Tom Jones?
A. TromBones.

Q. Why did the classical musician just go Bach home and order at Amazon?
A. 'Cause he went Chopin, but forgot his Liszt.

Classical Fact of the Day: Johann Sebastian Bach was not a rich man. In fact, he was Baroque.

Classical Come-On: Hey baby, even Beethoven couldn't compose something as moving as you.

Q. Why didn't musicians have much money during the 17th and 18th Centuries?
A. Because that was the Baroque period.

Chat Up a Musician Line: Damn babe, you are looking sharp tonight.

Q. Why did the two pianists have such a great marriage?
A. Because they were always in a chord.

Fishy Music Tip of the Day: To climb to the top of a tall piano, you must scale it!

Q. How is a concert piano like a car with a manual transmission?
A. Both have three pedals, and most people only know what to do with two of them.

Q. Which insect really likes the piano?
A. Beethoven.

Q. What were the Beatles words of wisdom for insects?
A. Let It Bee.

Q. Why did the chicken join a band? A. Because it already had drumsticks!Q. How are music and slippery ice alike? A. If you don't C Sharp, you'll B Flat!Q. Did you hear about the guitar that got baked? A. It was highly strung!

Q. What song does a Grammy winning rooster sing?
A. Rocker-Doodle-Do!

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. To get away from the bassoon recital.

Q. What do you call a bald American icon that swoops down and throws down a quick beat?
A. A rap-tor.

Q. Which music genre gives hippopotami a bad rap?
A. Hippo-Hop.

Q. What do you get when you play new age music backward?
A. New age music.

Middle C, E-flat, and G walk into a bar. Bartender says to E-flat, "Sorry, we don't serve minors here."

Q. What do you call a musician with erectile dysfunction?
A. B Flat.

Two musicians were walking down the street. One asks, "Who was that piccolo I saw you with last night?" The other replied, "That was no piccolo, that was my fife!"

Q. Why are so many guitar jokes one-liners?
A. So the rest of the band can understand them.

Q. Why do women toss underwear to guitarists on stage?
A. In case their G-string breaks.

Q. Why did the she-riff arrest the bass guitar player?
A. For fingering A Minor.

Q. What do you call a guitar that wants to become a violin?
A. Trans-Fender.

Q. What is the dynamic range of a bass trombone? A. On or Off!Q. What do you call strawberries playing the guitar? A. jam session!Q. Which song do vampires really detest? A. You Are My Sunshine!

Q. How can you tell which kid on the playground is the trombonist's kid?
A. He knows how to work the slide and really swings!

Q. What is a brass player's favorite movie?
A. Gone with the Woodwinds.

Q. Why do trombonists always have the best sex?
A. 'Cause they always get two holes in seven positions.

Q. What do you call a woman of the evening who's standing on the corner and playing a trumpet?
A. A prosti-toot.

Q. Where did Paul McCartney get his favorite fruit?
A. Strawberry Fields.

Q. Which 2010s band plays on the highest sugar levels?
A. The Diabeatles.

Q. Why is everybody singing about the new Indian restaurant?
A. On Curry-oke Night, that shit is really hot!

The musician's girlfriend had tears in her eyes when he asked her to marry him. It might be because he proposed with an onion ring...

Q. Who is the most famous skeleton rapper?
A. Machine Gun Skelly.

Q. What do zombies call a battle between classical music composers where one of them loses their mind?
A. A de-Bach-le.

Q. Which song is the fave of New Orleans blood suckers?
A. Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) by Concrete Blonde.

Q. Which tune exposes that vampires and monsters are not as frightening as falling in love?
A. Dracula's Wedding by Outkast.

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