Come-Ons, Hipster Hit Ups, Artist Pick-Up Lines
retro dating tips, hip hit-up lines, and sketchy come-ons you've never
even heard of!
Hipster Pick-Up Lines and Hep Cat
Artist Hookups
(Because Hipster Pick-Up Lines
Could Never Be Too Mainstream Because Then They
Wouldn't Be Hipster Lines!) |
Pick Up with Caution! Hep come-ons you'll be drawn to,
B Side hookups, and creative flirts ahead.
| Arty Hipster Hit Up Lines |
Hipster Jokes | Fine
Art Puns and Artist Jokes | 2 | Vampire
Arts |
| Museum Jokes | Photographer
Jokes, Photography Humor | Colofrul
Jokes | Designer Puns |
| Actor Jokes | Mime
Jokes | Magician Puns |
Circus Clown Jokes | Standup
Comedian Jokes |
| TV Show Puns | Film
Jokes, Movie Title Puns | Stage Actor
LOLs | Dancer Jokes | Music
Jokes |
Pick Up Line: Girl, you are so hot! So I'd like to date
you before you are cool!
Pick Up Line: Hey Toots, I was in love with you before your
ex was!
Chat Up Line: Girl, are you a hipster? 'Cause I have something
cool in my pants you haven't seen yet!
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, does this harmonica make my beard
look big? |
Pick Up Line: Girl, how about you Vincent Van Gogh out with
Hookup Line: If I told you I like your body of work, would
you hold it against me?
Pick Up Line: Are you a piece of art? 'Cause I'd like to
nail up against that wall.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, let's go get lost at IKEA.
Hookup Line: Hey babe, I know you'll love my pick up lines
'cause you've never heard of them before.
Pick Up Line: Are you a hipster? 'Cause we should go out
and fog up our glasses!
Pick Up Line that's ahead of its time: Babe, I ain't no
hipster, but I could make your hips stir... |
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, sorry for staring, but I thought
you were a work of art.
Pick Up Line: Girl, you're so fine that you'd make an impression
on Monet.
Artist Come-On: Hi girl, did you know artists do it expressively?
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, I'd like to have you on vinyl. |
Pick Up Line: Wow, are you a cougar? 'Cause I have a feeling
you hunted guys my age before it was cool.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, are you from the area? 'Cause I
only date locally-sourced babes.
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, does this harmonica make my man
bun look big?
Artist Pick Up Line: I was not aware that living artists
could exhibit here.
Chat Up Line: Dude, is that a paintbrush in your pocket,
or are you just happy to see me?
Come-On Line: Hello babe, artists do it with longer strokes.
Pick Up Line: Hey babe, are you gluten free tonight?
Come-On Line: Hello there, hottie. I'd like to play your
cool B Side.
Chat Up Line: Hello girl, did you butt dial? 'Cause I swear
that ass is calling me.
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, I like my women like I like my glasses,
thick and black.
Hookup Line: Hey girl, how about we try an experimental
kiss? |
Chat Up Line: Hey, how about you and I go down to the pool
to brush up on our strokes?
Pick Up Line: Wow girl, weren't you the nude model in my
life drawing class last week?
Hit Up Line: Hey girl, you know I liked you before anybody
else even knew who you were.
Come-On: Hey baby, I'd even take my glasses off for you!
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, can I tie your shoes? 'Cause I don't
want you falling for anybody else.
Up a Hipster Line: Hey dude, you've got bike courier eyes!
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, wanna come over and listen to NPR?
Pick Up Line: Hey Babe, was your daddy an art thief? 'Cause
you are a masterpiece!
Artist Pick Up Line: Hey girl, artists do it with emotion.
Chat Up Line: Girl, are you a magnet? 'Cause I find myself
drawn to you. |
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, BTW you know a mustache is only
cool on guy hipsters.
Hookup Line: Hey girl, let's get out of here and go fog
up are non-prescription glasses.
Pick Up Line: Hey girl, I'd tell you how beautiful you are,
but you probably wouldn't get the reference.
Chat Up Line: Hey girl, wanna listen to me drone on about
art, bicycles, and sustainable-source fair-trade coffee?
Artist Pick Up Line: Hey babe, artists do it by design.
Artist Pick Up Line: Painters do it with creativity. |
Hipster Jokes and Hip Humor | Artist
Puns | Eyeglasses Jokes | Bad
Hair and Barber Jokes |
| Actor Jokes and Hammy Humor | Mime
LOLs | Clown Jokes | Magician
Jokes | Musician Puns |
Corny Pick-Up Lines | Cheesy
Pick Up Lines | 2 | Animal
Pick Up Lines | Arty Hipster
Hookups |
| Banker Lines | Bar
Come Ons | Chef Chat Ups |
Colorado Come Ons | Daily
Lines | Farm Flirts |
| Gardener Chat Ups | Gnome
Pick Ups | Gym Hookups | Locksmith
Openers | Music Hook Lines
| Pirate Hookup Lines | Police
Pick Ups | 2 | Robot
Pick-Up Lines | Scary Monster Pick
Up Lines |
| Scientist Flirt Ups | Science
Fiction Pick Ups | Sick Come Ons
| Sports Lines | Travel
Hookups |
| Superhero Pick-Up Lines |
2 | Batman
Chat Ups | The Hulk Hookups
| Superman Come-Ons |
| Thespian Lines | Weed
Hookups | 2 | 3
| VD Day Come Ons | Winter
Picks | Xmas Chat Ups | 2
| Dating Jokes | Dating
App LOLs | Relationship Jokes
| Lover Jokes, Love Puns |
Sex Bot Jokes |
| Marriage Jokes, Engaging Wedding Humor
| Divorce Jokes | Breakup
Jokes, Dateless Puns |
| Guy Jokes, Man Humor | Lady
Jokes, Woman Puns | Family Humor,
Mom Puns, and Dad Jokes |

You've been drawn
this far, so here's even more hep
cat humor, cool laughs,
creative jokes and sketchy
painful puns that'll pick up
your B side:
Painful Puns, Groaner Jokes, and Unanswered Riddles...
Actor Jokes | Artist
Puns | Blonde Jokes | Cheese
Puns | Chef Jokes | Colorado
Jokes | Fashion Humor |
| Fit Jokes | Gadget
Puns | Hair Jokes | Monday
Jokes | Music Jokes | Pirate
Puns | Police Jokes | Psychic
Puns |
| Sasquatch Jokes | Science
Puns | Sci-Fi Jokes | Seasonal
Puns | Sports Jokes | Travel
Jokes | Weed Jokes |
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