Q. What do you call a pickle you buy for a great price? A. A Sweet Dill!   PainfulPuns.com - Edible Puns, Funny Food, Chef Humor, Java Jokes!

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Q. How do you make a hamburger smile? A. Pickle it gently!
Q. What's sour, green, and swims in an aquarium? A. A trop-pickle fish!
Q. What is the pickle's philosophy of life? A. Never a dill moment!


Pickle Jokes, Cucumber Puns, Dill Pickle Humor
Bite into dill-icious pickle jokes, piccalilli puns, brined laughs and humor you'll relish.

Cucumber Jokes, Pickle Humor, Dilly Puns
(Because Crispy Dill Pickle Puns Could Never Be Mainstream Enough, No Matter How You Chill It!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Sour cuke jokes and dill pickle puns may cause burps or puckers of smiles.
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Q. What did the hamburger say to a picle? A. You're dill-icious!Make like a pickle and dill with it!Q. What is a pickle's favorite game show? A. Let's Make A Dill!

Q. Which radio station genre can you hear Bob Dill on?
A. Vlassic rock.

Q. What kind of flower bouquet does a pickle send to his best girl?
A. Dilly of the Valley.

Q. What is the difference between a pickle and a psychiatrist?
A. If you don't know, you really should stop talking to your pickle!

Q. What do you call a drunken pickle?
A. A crocked cuke!

Q. What is a pickle's second favorite television game show?
A. Dill or No Dill.

Q. Why can't a seedless cucumber be pickled?
A. Infer-dill-ity.

What is a pickle's favorite movie? To Dill a MockingbirdQ. What do you call a pickle doctor? A. A dill pusher!Q. What did the skeptical pickle say? A. You're gherkin my chain!

Q. Why is the pickle container open?
A. Because it's always ajar.

Q. Where are you if you get your hand stuck in a jar of gherkins?
A. Right in a pickle.

Q. What did the pickle say when it was told it was going into tuna salad?
A. I relish the thought.

Q. Why do gherkins giggle a lot? A. they're picklish!Q. Where does a pickle go for a fw drinks? A. The salad bar!What happens when a pickle is bored? It becomes very dill!

Q. What do you call a pickle lullaby?
A. A cucumber slumber number.

Q. Why do bananas think they're better than pickles?
A. Because they have a-peel.

Q. What is green and penetrates walls?
A. A pickle, but you have to throw it really hard!

Q. Why doesn't a pickle like to travel? A. Because it's a jarring experience!Why did the cucumber need a lawyer? Because it was in a pickle1Q. Why are pickles in sandwiches so polite? A. They're well bread!

Q. What is it called when gherkins go on sale?
A. A Great Dill!

Q. What do you call a pickle that runs around aimlessly?
A. A Willy Nilly Dilly.

Q. What can you say to a pickle that's going berserk?
A. Just dill out, man!

Q. What is a pickle's favorite church hymn?
A. Crock of Ages.

Q. Which retro TV western hero was actually a pickle?
A. Marshall Dill.

Q. What are lying, cheating dills called?
A. Fickle pickles.

Q. What do you call a female pickle that horses around? A. A filly dilly!Q. What is a baby cucumber's favorite toy? A. Pickle Me Elmo!Q. What do you call a frozen pickle hanging from the roof? A. An icepickle!

Q. What is green and terrorizes sailors?
A. Moby Pickle.

Q. Who is a Welsh pickle's favorite poet?
A. Dill-an Thomas.

Q. Why do gherkins giggle so easily?
A. Because they're very pick-lish!

Q. What is a naughty pickle's worst sin?
A. Being green with envy.

Q. What is green and flies?
A. A pickle in a cafeteria food fight.

Q. What does a pickle order at a Mexican restaurant?
A. Pica-dill-o and rice.

| Dilly Pickle Puns | 2 | 3 | Carrots | Corny Jokes | Peppers | Potato | Salad | Tomato | Veggie |
| Diet Puns | Gnome Diet | Vegetarian, Vegan Puns | Fitness Dieting Jokes | 2 | Grocery Store |
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