Q. Why did a rooster go to KFC? A. He wanted to visit his relatives!   PainfulPuns.com - Puns, Jokes, Word Play, Groaners, Ouch!

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Q. Why do
roosters make
bad umpires?

A. 'Cause they
call fowl balls.

Q. What do you call the outside of a hand gren-egg? A. The bombshell!

Q. Why
didn't the
run away?

A. 'Cause
he wasn't


Cocky Jokes, Rooster Humor, KFC Puns
Crow out loud at cocky rooster puns, cock-a-ddodle-do humor, and hen-pecked cock jokes.

Rooster Jokes, Cock Puns, Pecker Humor
(Because Alarming Rooster Jokes and Peckish Puns Could Never Be TOO Mainstream at the Crack of Dawn!)
Warning: Proceed with Caution! Rooster jokes to crow about, cock-eyed humor, and alarming fowl puns ahead.
| Rooster Jokes | 2 | 3 | Egg Jokes | Turkey Jokes | 2 | Goose Jokes | Fowl LOLs | Duck Puns |
| Chicken Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Jokes | ...And Cross Again? |
| Crow Jokes | Owl Puns | Wild Bird Jokes | Parrot Laughs | Pet Bird Humor | Dinosaur Jokes |

Q. Why did the horny rooster go to KFC? A. He heard there's chicken meet up there!

Q. What do roosters
work on at
the gym?

Their pecks.

Q. Why did a rooster go to KFC? A. He wanted to see a chicken strip!

Q. What do roosters call a group of chickens all clucking in unison?
A. A Musical Hen-semble.

A rooster walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve chickens here. Try the place across the road."

Q. What happens when you cross a rooster with an owl?
A. You get a cock that stays up all night.

Q. What does a rooster ask for at the barber shop?
A. A cock-a-doodle-hair-do.

Q. What does a rooster in London say?
A. Cockney-doodle-do.

Q. What do you call a rooster that wakes you up at the same time every morning?
A. An alarm cluck!

Q. What time does a rooster wake up and visit the outhouse?
A. At the crap of dawn.

Q. What does a tired rooster say in the morning?
A. Cock-a-doodle-DON'T!

Q. How do you stop a rooster from crowing on Sunday morning?
A. Eat him Saturday night.

Q. Why did the rooster cross the road?
A. To cock-a-doodle-do something.

Q. Who takes longer to get ready for a trip, an elephant or a rooster?
A. An elephant takes his whole trunk, but a rooster only packs his comb.

Q. What do you get if you cross a pickle and a rooster?
A. A crock-a-doodle-dill.

Q. What did the chick say to the rooster when he saw his mother sitting on an orange?
A. Dad, look what mama-laid!

Q. What's the difference between a rooster and a cock?
A. A rooster says Cock-a-doodle-do, but a cock says any Cock will do.

Q. Which
first, the
or the egg?

A. Neither. The
rooster did!

Q. What was teh transvestite rooster's stage name? A. Dawn!

Q. What does a
rooster say?

A. Cock-eyed-

Q. Which chicken was more ruthless than an rooster in history?
A. Attila the Hen!

Q. What should you do if you encounter a sarcastic rooster?
A. Just ignore him. He's the guy who just wants to ruffle everybody's feathers.

Q. If a rooster laid an egg on top of the henhouse, which way would it roll?
A. No way. Rooster don't lay eggs.

Q. Why can't a rooster ever get rich?
A. Because roosters work for chicken feed.

Q. What does a gay rooster say?
A. Cock-a-doodle-dude!

Q. What do you call a rooster that was out all night drinking?
A. A crocked-a-doodle-do.

Q. Why was the noisy rooster annoying when walking either forward or backward?
A. 'Cause it crows both ways.

A rooster crosses the road and walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve poultry here." The rooster replies, "That's okay, I just want a drink."

Q. Which pedal do rooster racecar drivers favor?
A. The egg-celerator.

Q. What kind of car does an egg-centric retro rooster drive?
A. A 1963 Coupe de Ville.

Q. Why was the blonde basketball player sitting on the bench doodling roosters?
A. 'Cause the coach asked her to draw fowls.

Q. What does a Grammy winning rooster sing?
A. Rocker-Doodle-Do!

Q. Why don't roosters wear pants? A. Their peckers are on their faces!

Q. How does
a rooster
romance a

A. He takes
her to a
chick flick.

Q. What do you get if you cross a rooster and a telephone pole? A. A long wooden cock that wants to touch somebody!

Q. What do you get if you cross a mole and a rooster?
A. A whack-a-doodle.

Q. What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle, and a rooster?
A. Cocker-Poodle-Do!

Q. Where does a rooster find the best recipes?
A. In the Betty Cocker Cookbook.

Q. How does a rooster do a rain dance?
A. He chants, "Cock-a-doodle-Dew!"

Q. Why do roosters watch television?
A. For hentertainment.

Q. Why do roosters like to read PlayCock magazine?
A. For the hentertaining articles.

Q. How does a rooster show affection to his girlfriend?
A. He gives her a peck on the cheek.

Q. Why did the rooster move the hens indoors during the hail storm?
A. Because it was fowl weather.

Q. Why was the rooster ejected from the football game?
A. For persistent fowl play.

Q. How are baseball umpires and angry roosters alike?
A. Both make fowl calls.

Henhouse Chat Up Line: Hey Henny, do you handle chickens? 'Cause you're really good with cocks.

Did you hear about the county fair's prize winning rooster? He sure was cocky!

Q. Why did
the road?

A. It just
dawned on

Q. How does a rooster kiss his girlfriend? A. With his pecker!

Q. Why did
the rooster
file for

A. He was
tired of being

Q. Why did the rooster cross the road?
A. He wanted to get to the chicken strip club.

Q. Why did the rooster cross the road?
A. Because there were chickens on the other side!

Q. Why did the Starship Enterprise rooster cross the road?
A. To cock-a-doodle-do something stellar.

Q. Why did the Star Trek rooster cross the road?
A. He wanted to see if there was new life at the chicken strip club.

Q. Why did the Vulcan rooster cross the road?
A. Because there were Pon Farr chickens on the other side!

Q. What does a rooster inside a hen house say?
A. Cocky-doodle-do!

Q. Why did the rooster get a tattoo?
A. To impress old chicks twenty years from now.

Q. What do you get if you cross a marsupial and a rooster?
A. Kanga-doodle-doo.

Q. What do you get if you cross a marsupial and a cock?
A. Kanga-rooster.

Q. Why did the rooster cross the road?
A. It was his wife's birthday.

Poultry Pick-Up Line: Hey chickadee, I'm no rooster, but just watch what this cock-a-do-to-you!

Q. What does a farmer call a rooster that's trained to remove corn husks?
A. A cock shucker.

Q. Why did the rooster go to KFC?
A. 'Cause he's a breast man. .

Q. Why did another rooster go to KFC?
A. 'Cause he's a leg man.

Poultry Pick-Up Line: Hey chick, do you raise chickens? 'Cause you raise my cock.

Q. Why was the rooster taken out of the baseball game?
A. For persistant fowl balls.

Paultry Poultry Pick-Up Line: Hey Penny, do you eat chicken? 'Cause you can suck my cock.

| Rooster Jokes | 2 | 3 | Egg Jokes | Turkey Jokes | 2 | Goose Jokes | Fowl LOLs | Duck Puns | 2 |
| Chicken Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Jokes | ...And Cross Again? |
| Cow Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Cow On Moon | Bull Puns | Beefy Humor | Ranch Puns, Cowboy Jokes |
| Horse Jokes, Pony Puns | 2 | 3 | Donkey Jokes, Ass Puns | Broncos Jokes | Animal Poop Puns |
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