Q. What do you call a donkey on steroids? A. An ass-teroid!   PainfulPuns.com - Animal Puns, Wildlie Humor, Beary Funny Jokes!

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Trying to putt with so many geese on the green is for the birds! and that's putting it mildly!
Q. What do you get if you cross a bear and a toilet? A. Winnie the Pooh!
Funny Arachnid Riddle: Q. What do you call young married spiders? A. Newly Webs
Q. What do fish use for money? A. Sand Dollars!


Wild Animal Puns and Wildly Funny Animal Jokes
Seek out so-fish-ticated puns, bear-able humor, and hairy funny jokes you'll really wolf down.

Critter Jokes, Funny Animal Riddles, Wildlife Puns
(Because 4 of 5 Dentists Agree Tame Animal Humor IS Far TOO Mainstream on Six of Seven Continents!)
Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Fly by night animal jokes, howling humor, and abominable puns ahead.
| Ape Jokes | Bat Puns | Bear | Bee | Bigfoot Jokes | Bird | Bison Puns | Butterfly | Chimp Grins |
| Crocodile LOLs | Crow | Deer | Dinosaur Jokes | Dolphin | Elephant Jokes | Fish | Fly Humor |
| Forest Critter | Fox Puns | Frog | Giraffe Jokes | Gorilla | Hippo | Insect | Kangaroo | Leopard |
| Lion Jokes | Lizard Laughs | Lobster | Lynx LOLs | Monkey Jokes | Mouse | Octopus | Owl Puns |
| Panda Puns | Polar Bear | Rabbit | Safari Animal | Sealife | Shark LOLs | Shellfish | Snake Jokes |
| Spider Jokes | Tiger | T-Rex Jokes | Turtle | Vet Jokes | Whale | Wolf Howls | Yak | Zoo Humor |

Q. How many gorillas does it take to change a light bulb? A. Only one, but it takes a butt load of ight bulbs!You might be from Colorado if a bear on your front porch doesn't bother you!Q. How many flies does it take to screw in a light bulb? A. Two, but nobody knows how they got in there?

Q. How did the dog warn his master a big ape was approaching?
A. He barked, "grrrri-i-lla."

Q. What do you get when an ape enters a minefield?
A. Bamboom.

Q. Why did the gorilla fail his High School finals?
A. He had little ape-titude.

Q: What is a monkey's favorite cookie?
A: Chocolate chimp!

Q. What do you get if you cross a grizzly bear with a harp?
A. A bear-faced lyre.

Q. What do you call a wet bear?
A. A Drizzly Bear.

Q. What did the Grizzly say when he was pushed out of his natural habitat?
A. This is un-BEAR-able!

Q. What do you call a freezing cold bear?
A. A brrrrrrr.

Q. What do you call a fly with no wings?
A. A Walk.

Q. Why did the Bee feel so cold?
A. Because it was right in the AC.

Six-Legged Point to Ponder: Do insect puns really bug you?

Q. What is an insect's favorite dance step?
A. The Jitterbug.

Q. What is the most musical insect?
A. The Hum Bug.

Q. How many birds does it take to change a light bulb? A. Toucan do it!Q. How much money does a skunk have? A. One Cent!Q. Why did the monkey like the banana? A. Because it had appeal!

Q. Why do birds fly south?
A. Because it's too far to walk.

Q. What do you call a cold avian during the winter?
A. Brrrrd!

Q. What do you get if you cross an owl with a cat?
A. Meowls.

Q. How many skunks does it take to make a big stink?
A. A Phew!

Q. Have you heard the latest skunk joke?
A. It's a real stinker.

Q. What does a religious skunk say?
A. Let us spray!

Q. Where do chimps get their gossip?
A. From the grapevine.

Q. Why shouldn't you get into a battle with monkeys?
A. They use gorilla warefare.

Q. What is a monkey's favorite muffin?
A. Chocolate Chimp.

Being unable to get help with refinancing made me a loan wolf!Q. How did the yeti feel when he had the flu? A. Abominable!Q. Where do seagulls invest their money? A. In the stork market!

Q. Why did the Sasquatch name his wolf-dog Frost?
A. Because Frost Bites!

Q. What do you call a lost wolf?
A. A Where-Wolf.

Q. Why do wolf parties always start at midnight?
A. So they'll have a howling good time.

Q. Why do Squatches like to tell jokes?
A. They just want to kill you with laughter.

Q. How do you make a sasquatch laugh?
A. Tell it a gorilla joke!

Q. What's the difference between a man and Sasquatch?
A. One's covered in matted hair and smells bad; the other has big feet.

Q. Which migratory birds are seasonally found on the Iberian Peninsula?
A. Portu-geese.

Q. What does an evil hen lay?
A. Deviled eggs.

Q. Which shampoo do birds prefer?
A. Dove.

Q. What do you call a time-traveling cow? A. Doctor Moo!Chimp asks: Where does a monkey go to grab a beer? A. The monkey bars!Q. What is a fish's least favorite day of the week? A. Fry Day!

Q. What do you get from a forgetful cow?
A. Milk of Amnesia!

Q. How do cows talk to each other?
A. They cow-municate.

Q. What are the spots on black and white cows?
A. Hol-stains.

Q. What do you call a monkey who works in a bar?
A. A monkey wench.

Q. Why did the gorilla win the beauty contest?
A. She was beast of show!

Q. What do you call a monkey that prays for potato chips?
A. A chimpmonk.

Q. What do you call a fish who wears an ascot?
A. So fish-ticated!

Q. Where are most fish found?
A. Between the head and the tail.

Q. Where do fish go to practice yoga?
A. The river bend.

| Wildly Funny Wild Animal Jokes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
| Gorilla Jokes, Big Ape Puns | 2 | 3 | Bigfoot Jokes | Sasquatch Jokes | Colorado Bigfoot Jokes |
| Chimpanzee Puns | Monkey Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | Stoner Monkeys | Animal Potheads | Animal Bar |

| Zoo Jokes | Wildcat Puns | Lion Jokes | 2 | Leopard Jokes, Cheetah Puns | Lynx LOLs | Tiger Puns |
| Elephant Jokes | 2 | Giraffe Jokes | Hippo Puns | 2 | Safari Animal Jokes | Kangaroo Jokes | 2 1 3 |
| Bear Jokes | 2 | 3 | Panda Puns | Polar Bear Jokes | Deer Jokes | 2 | Buffalo and Bison Jokes | 2 |
| Wolf Jokes | 2 | 3 | Fox Puns | Mouse Jokes, Rat Puns | Rabbit Jokes, Hare Puns | Yak Jokes | 2 |
| Forest Critter Puns | Bat Jokes | Animal Poop Puns | Sports Animal Jokes | Denver Broncos Puns |
| Wild Bird Jokes | 2 | 3 | Owl Jokes, Owl-ful Puns | 2 | Crow Jokes | 2 | Duck Puns | Goose Jokes |
| Insect Jokes, Bug Puns, Entomology LOLs | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bee Jokes, Hive Humor, Wasp LOLs | 2 |
| Butterfly Jokes, Moth Puns, Caterpillar LOLs | Housefly Jokes | Spider Jokes, Arachnid Puns | 2 |
| Frog Jokes and Toad Puns | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Snake Humor | 2 | 3 | Dinosaur Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| Lizard Laughs | Crocodile Jokes, Gator Puns | Turtle Jokes, Tortoise Puns | 2 | 3 | Reptile Humor |
| Dolphin Jokes, Porpoise Puns | Whale Jokes | Marine Mammal Jokes, Deep Sea Animal Humor |
| Octopus Jokes, Squid Puns | Sea Creature Jokes, Shellfsh Puns, Lobster LOLs, Crab Grins | 3 |
| Fish Jokes | 2 | 3 | 4 | Shark Jokes | 2 | Finny Fish Puns | Tropical Fish Jokes, Aquarium Puns |

| Vet Jokes | Scary Animal Jokes | Animal Music Jokes | Animal Pick-Up Lines | Xmas Animals |
| Garden Critter LOLs | Colorado Wildlife | Farm Animals | Pet Animal Puns | Animal Crime Jokes |

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